Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Wargames boardgames
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Author:  Giovanni Boffi [ Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Wargames boardgames

Who is interested in old boardgames AH,GMT,Clash of Arms,The Gamers,SPI/TSR,etc.?

Author:  Phillip Arsenault [ Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wargames boardgames

I am always interested depending on what is being offered. :frenchsalute:

Author:  Scott Reed [ Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wargames boardgames

Do you have a list of games you can email me?

Author:  Giovanni Boffi [ Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wargames boardgames

The Emperor returns Clash of Arms
1807:The Eagles turn East “” “”
La Bataille de la Moscowa-Napoleon’s battle of Borodino GDW
Eylau Napoleon’s winter battle 1807 GDW
Red Star White Eagle GDW
Their Finest Hour GDW
Caesar Epic Battle of Alesia AH
L’Armee du Nord The Belgian Campaign Clash of Arms
1815 The Waterloo Campaign GDW
Los Arapiles(Battaglia di Salamanca) Battles of the Peninsular War Vol.II SIMTAC
The Battles of Waterloo GMT
Napoleon’s later battles 3W
Napoleon at Leipzig (The Battle of Nations) Clash of Arms
Napoleon’s Last Battles SPI
Battles for the Ardennes TSR(SPI)
The Battle of Raphia GDW
Mayday GDW
Alma 3W
The Battle of Dresden 1813 New England Simulations
Talisman Second edition
Across Aprils A civil war pentagame Victory Games
Origins Of WWII AH
Glory GMT
The three days of Gettysburg GMT
Wellington’s Victory TSR(SPI)
Kingmaker Ariel
Third Reich (3 edit.) AH
Trireme AH
Caesar the civil wars GMT
Austerlitz The Gamers
Starship Troopers AH
Caesar's legion AH e Flat top Battleline edition.
Other Games in folio Strategy&Tactics and SSG.

Sorry to answer so late,I was away.

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