Österreichisches Imperiales Armeekorps (Imperial Austrian Army Corps) PromotionOn behalf of the
Oberbefehlshaber des Österreichischen Imperialen Armeekorps (Commander in Chief of the Imperial Austrian Army Corps) Feldmarschall Jim Erzherzog Pfluecke von Teschen I am happy to present to the members of the Club news from the Imperial Austrian Army Corps:
Please help me congratulate the promotion for the following Austrian officer:
Oberst Mitchell ColeInfanterie-Regiment Freiherr von Beaulieu Nr. 58
1. Leichte (Light) Brigade
1. Avant Garde (Advanced Guard) Division
As Issued at Wien on the 4th day of January, of the current year,

Let us celebrate with drinks, food and music! Ruetz-Marsch! -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q48S2Aj3xQIn less than a year Mitchell has risen to just below the general officer ranks and I am sure he'll be promoted into them soon!! Congrats on your continued rise!!