Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Sir Muddy Stands Down to Begin Memoirs
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Author:  Bill Peters [ Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ken - thanks for the many years of service to the club. You will be missed for sure.

Oberst Wilhelm Peters
2nd Kuirassiers, Reserve Korps, Austrian Army
[url=""]Officer Battle Dossier[/url]

Author:  pacowork [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:10 am ]
Post subject: 


Your wit, honor and skill have been a shining example to us all and will be greatly missed.

I hope that after a few months of R&R you and your steed will be ready to return to the fray.



<i>Maréchal M. Francisco Palomo
Comte de Marseille
Duc d'Abrantes
Commandant - Division de Cavalerie de la Vieille Garde</i>
AdC - <i>Ieré Corps de Armee</i>

Author:  Theron Lambert [ Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:21 pm ]
Post subject: 


I'm sorry to see you retiring, but wish you the best. I truly enjoyed our battles and hope we might cross swords again some time in the future. Anyway, many thanks for your invlovement and service to the club.

General Theron Lambert
Comte d'Angers et Duc de Montereau
3rd Brigade, 3rd Division
VI Corps
Armee du Rhin
Commandant de la Division de Cavalerie de la Moyenne Garde

Author:  Jeff Bardon [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Sir Muddy,

It has been an extraordinary pleasure to take the field against so gallant a foe, not just for the challenge of our battles, so often decided in the last moments, but for the camaraderie. I wish you the best and join in the chorus of those who hope your retirement is short-lived.

On the bright side, at least you'll finally have the chance to take a bath. [;)]

Sheesh! I mean, how many years of mud can one man cake on to his uniform? And to force the same on your horse must violate any number of laws about humane treatment of animals.



Jeff Bardon
Duc de Castiglione
Prince de Wagram
Commandant de la Vieille Garde
Marechal de France
CiC- La Grande Armee


Author:  Mark Eason [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Au revoir Muddy.

These halls will seem empty without the inevitable post:-

'...A mud spattered officer entered the Tavern...' that followed each of a seemingly endless string of victories.

You were a credit to your army, and a bastion of the NWC. You will be sorely missed by friend and foe alike.

I am privileged to have taken the field against you, though like so many other French officers, I rue the outcome to this day [;)]

My very best wishes for all the endeavours that lie before you and be sure to post your memoires here.

So, from one officer to another:-


GdD Eason
VII (Saxon) Corps

Author:  dean beecham [ Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

You will be missed,I am glad i got to fight you in Battle,a loss to the Allied Army you will be,Good luck and hope to see you around .
Take care.[;)]

<font color="red">Marechal</font id="red">
<font color="red">BEECHAM</font id="red"> Commandant
1ème Division de Cuirassiers,
1 Corps Res Cav,ADN.

"Toujours féroce,jamais étourdi"

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