Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Sir "Lucky's Golden Chamberpot Challange
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Author:  John Corbin [ Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

<u><i>Battle between Martin/Blackburn and Corbin/Rodriguez</i></u>

Historical Twin Battles Turn 11 of 36.

The French are peressing their advance hard... Quatres Bras is ready to fall. Ligny is mostl;y in French hands witn a stiff Prussian resistans in place. Casualtoes are about even thus far and an allied surrender is expected soon.

Monsieur le Marechal Baron John Corbin
Duc de Paive
Commanding the Division de Cavalerie de la Jeune Garde
NWC President

Author:  Ed Blackburn [ Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Evidently Marechal Corbin is experiencing extreme battle fatigue. There will be no Allied surrender in the near or distant future.[;)]

Brigadier Ed Blackburn
Commanding 6th Div, II Corps, AAA
3rd Bn / 1st Regiment of Foot Guards

Author:  bobbreen [ Thu Dec 01, 2005 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

The match among Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer has concluded with a French Surrender!

Although the scoreboard said Draw after turn 17, the victory hexes at Theugn arethreatened on three sides, with much of the French force no longer able to maneveur, and 7,000 fresh Austrian troops from the 4th Corps at the city gates.

Although the troops around Saalhaupt are fresh, the French can not move to support the engagment at Theugn without jeopardizing that sector and they would have to fight their way to Theugn, since the road had been cut.

On this day, the field and victory belong to the Allies.

<i>........previously posted November 27......</i>

The match among Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer has reached Turn 16 - the halfway mark.

The French Team continues to maintain their starting Minor Victory. The Austrians have taken a second victory hex and are within 100 points of a Draw.

Two Brigades of the 4th Corps have emerged from a march through the Bern Berg Woods and have cut the road between Theugn and Saalhaupt, dividing the French forces. All signs indicate a decisive battle is shaping up around Theugn.

French losses are 9900 infantry, 1100 cavalry and 6 leaders. Austrian losses are 9200 infantry, 600 cavalry, 2 guns and 2 leaders.

..... previously posted on 4 November .....

The match among Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer has reached Turn 10.

The French Team continues to maintain their starting Minor Victory. The Austrians are threating a second victory hex.

The fighting south of Teugn has seen both infantry and cavalry engagements. The engagement south of Saalhapt is developing more slowly but is across a much wider area. Austrians have lost 1983 infantry, 107 cavalry, 1 gun, and 1 leader. French losses are 1642 infantry, 560 cavalry, and 1 leader.

[i]..... previously posted on 26 October .....

The match among Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer has reached Turn 6.

The French Team continues to maintain their starting Minor Victory. The Austrians have captured their first victory hex.

Initial contacts have been made accross a 7 KM front, with skirmishing taking place in the clearing near Hausener Berg, the woods near Brenn Berg, the clearing near Hennen Nest, and a brief cavalry skirmish on the southeastern (right) edge of the map. Austrians have lost 479 infantry, 44 cavalry and 1 gun. French losses are 157 infantry and 123 cavalry.

..... previously posted on 10 October .....

We are playing a slighly modified version of the 32 turn Eckmuhl 15H scenario - Battle of Teugn Hausen and Saalhaupt. We are also using a slightly modifed version of the MOE 3 Houserules.

The Austrians have completed their first turn after formulating a brillant strategy -- primarily the work of Commander Bijl. The only obstacle now is the French!

Brigadier Sir Bob Breen KT

1st (The King's) Dragoon Guards
Commanding 71st Highlanders
Commandant, RMA

Author:  Ed Blackburn [ Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Congratualtions Bob and Marco well done. We are part way to retaining Gen. Halls treasured chamberpot.[:)]

Brigadier Ed Blackburn
Commanding 6th Div, II Corps, AAA
3rd Bn / 1st Regiment of Foot Guards

Author:  Ed Blackburn [ Sun Dec 11, 2005 4:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

After 15 turns the Combined Battles of Quatre Bras and Ligny remain very close contests. This is the Rodriquez/Corbin vs Martin/Blackburn match. The over-all result currently stands at a French Minor Defeat but just barely.

Casualties are:

AAA French

I 15,940
C 2,641
A 42
L 16


I 13,612
C 3,558
A 49
L 19

Quatre Bras is in French Hands, but the Prussians continue to hold Ligny, St Armand and Wagonlee.

Brigadier Ed Blackburn
Commanding 6th Div, II Corps, AAA
3rd Bn / 1st Regiment of Foot Guards

Author:  Sellick Davies [ Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="3" face="book antiqua" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by zinkyusa</i>
<br />Congratualtions Bob and Marco well done. We are part way to retaining Gen. Halls treasured chamberpot.[:)]

Brigadier Ed Blackburn
Commanding 6th Div, II Corps, AAA
3rd Bn / 1st Regiment of Foot Guards
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Huzza! I'm sure you will put it to good use when you present it to the Tavern[:)]

Kolonel Sellick Davies,
III Bataillon Nassau-Usingen,
2nd Bde,

Author:  Gabriel Rodriguez [ Thu Dec 15, 2005 4:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Rodriquez/Corbin vs Martin/Blackburn
A misunderstanding about an important rule optional [xx(] had made that we (both team) agree restart the battle again. [:I]

Author:  Gabriel Rodriguez [ Fri Dec 30, 2005 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Rodriquez/Corbin vs Martin/Blackburn

Victory to Rodríguez/Corbin

Author:  John Corbin [ Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:21 am ]
Post subject: 

What is happenng with this ?

Monsieur le Marechal Baron John Corbin
Duc de Paive
Commanding the Division de Cavalerie de la Jeune Garde
NWC President

Author:  Jim Hall [ Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Hall and Bernard await a responce from their French opponents in the final game the of Challange which stands at present one all

Field Marshal Sir "Lucky" Jim (K.G.)
Commander 2nd. Corps
Allied/Dutch Army
"And let my sword not sleep in my hand"

Author:  Mark Oakford [ Sun Feb 19, 2006 3:35 pm ]
Post subject: 


Gregor Morgan sent off our last completed turn on 30/1/06. We haven't received a reply... it has obviously gotten lost.

We'll send it off again.


Mark Oakford
III Corps, ADN

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