Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

1805 History question!
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Author:  Bill Peters [ Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

Was it Mr. Ed?


Author:  clifton seeney [ Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

The general in question might be considered a talking horse to some!

Author:  clifton seeney [ Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

This general jump out of a window later was in a dual with General Dumas was a ADC what eles do you Monsieur's want????? :P :shock:

Author:  MCJones1810 [ Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

General or Marechal? I still contend that Berthier was pushed, accidentally of course. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Author:  clifton seeney [ Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

Monsieur guessing only adds to wrong answer look it up and just maybe your interests in Nap wars will grow. He was a Marechal !

Author:  clifton seeney [ Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

I will give it one more day he was the kind of man who would share his wife and tell on any one to please the Emperor he let the Emperor cheat at chess he was badly beat in a dual with General Dumas that left a disfigurement on his fore head. He was a ADC what else can I give !Next would be who was the laundry woman's husband who became a Duc and had twelve or fourteen children???? :lol: 8)

Author:  David Guegan [ Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

And the final answer is???? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Author:  Bill Peters [ Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

zzzzzz .... oh, is Kliff still offering a bag of popcorn to the winner. I think that the popcorn is cold by now Kliff, er Chliff, er, Cliff. Would someone please pass the butter and the salt. Oh, thanks Al! :P

Author:  clifton seeney [ Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

The name is Junot Andoche he was a sergeant who was by Nap side from Toulon till made Ambassador to Lisbon. the next question is who was the laundry woman's husband who became a Duc and had twelve or fourteen children???? :lol: 8)

Author:  David Guegan [ Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

Junot? Hum... In the Memoires of the Duchesse D'Abrantes, she talks about a duel between Lanusse and Junot, with Junot being wounded at the abdomen. But there is nothing about Dumas...

Author:  clifton seeney [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

The proof is always in the pudding do you think a wound to the stomach would cause a disfigurement to his head that's why there are always more then one source to a story! Now on to the Duc who had fourteen children married to a wash woman!!!

Author:  David Guegan [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

It is said that Junot received 27 wounds in battle... (see: here).
And one of them was in Italy (at Lonato) before going to Egypt, a wound at the head on his left temple (he received another one the same day at the neck).

Author:  clifton seeney [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

The one on his head when General Dumas was a commander there I will give you the case history I feel you don't believed my account, Le Tempest was notorious! Oh I could have use that for a history question! :lol: 8)

Author:  David Guegan [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

Let say that I like to understand stuffs. So I tried to find something about that duel. But I couldn't. Maybe if you have a source it will appease me. I am ready to believe, I just need to see a proof of it.

I have found different accounts of the duel between Junot and Lanusse in Egypte one favorable to Junot the other to Lanusse. So I am sure at least that this one happened.

Author:  clifton seeney [ Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1805 History question!

From my book The new Adventures of Marbot;Napoleon told General Junot and others that he went up to that Nior General, Dumas, and threatened to have him shot. Shortly after this happen within a few days General Dumas had a second serious encounter with General Bonaparte regarding what had taken place in General Dumas's tent at Dananhur. General Dumas went to see Bonaparte to ask for an explanation. It was said that once General Bonaparte saw General Dumas coming his way he frowned and pressing his hat closely to his head, exclaimed, - "Ha! It is you; so much the better, step into this room." General Dumas went in first followed by General Bonaparte; Bonaparte closed and locked the door behind them! “General” Bonaparte said to him you are behaving badly towards me; you are trying to demoralize the Army; I know all that went on at Dananhur. General Dumas who towered over the small General Bonaparte put his hand over General Bonaparte’s hand that was holding his sabre -guard. General Dumas said to Napoleon " Before answering you, General, I will ask you what was your meaning in shutting that door, and with what object you are kind enough to grant me the honor of this interview?"
Napoleon told him that in his eyes the highest and the lowest of his army are equal before discipline, and that ,should occasion require , I will shoot a General as soon as a drummer -boy." General Dumas told him that there were some who he believes that Napoleon would shoot without thinking twice over it." General Dumas went on to tell General Bonaparte what he said that evening then he told the General if that miserable person who reported my words to you has said anything different to what I am now telling you, he is not only a spy, but worse than that, he is a liar.” Then within an hour General Dumas General Dumas had a second serious encounter with General Bonaparte regarding what had taken place in General Dumas's tent at Dananhur. General Dumas went to see Bonaparte to ask for an explanation. It was said that once General Bonaparte saw General Dumas coming his way he frowned and pressing his hat closely to his head, exclaimed, - "Ha! It is you; so much the better, step into this room." General Dumas went in first followed by General Bonaparte; Bonaparte closed and locked the door behind them! “General” Bonaparte said to him you are behaving badly towards me; you are trying to demoralize the Army; I know all that went on at Dananhur. General Dumas who towered over the small General Bonaparte put his hand over General Bonaparte’s hand that was holding his sabre -guard. General Dumas said to Napoleon " Before answering you, General, I will ask you what was your meaning in shutting that door, and with what object you are kind enough to grant me the honor of this interview?"
Napoleon told him that in his eyes the highest and the lowest of his army are equal before discipline, and that ,should occasion require , I will shoot a General as soon as a drummer -boy." General Dumas told him that there were some who he believes that Napoleon would shoot without thinking twice over it." General Dumas went on to tell General Bonaparte what he said that evening then he told the General if that miserable person who reported my words to you has said anything different to what I am now telling you, he is not only a spy, but worse than that, he is a liar.” Then within an hour General Dumas told Capitaine Dermoncourt what had taken place and Monsieur Dermoncourt has never change this complete story that Monsieur Evers told me. He went on to tell me that there was a dual between General Dumas and General Junot in this dual General Dumas got the upper hand on General Junot using the Evers attack that was taught to General Dumas by L' Chevalier de Saint Georges ,the blow to General Junot head missed killing him but injuring him for life with a terrible head wound that disfigured his face.

General Junot received another blow to the head in Italy in 1800; he had been called the tempest because of his fascination with danger and death. The glamour of adventure lured him into becoming a seducer of ladies and an incurable romanticist a Don Quixote if you will! Not only that but he now fancy himself to be a grandee noble with his friendship with Napoleon since Toulon he had the perfect avenue to his mad desires. He also catered to Napoleon like no other he allowed the Emperor to cheat at cards and chess and he was the avenues of the Emperors deprave desires.
He was truly a bootlicker and he was the adherent ( The book is a fiction by based on facts)

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