Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

One for France!
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Author:  clifton seeney [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  One for France!

As I started down this wet and dreary road on my way to General Headquarters, I thought to myself why not cross the border and go to that smelly pub that the Allies call Rhine tavern. I was wet from head to foot but why not, I ended the year with a defeat and I will start the New Year with a win! As I came ever so close to the pub I smelled the stanch of their animals then I knew that I was near the place were they cuss and fuss and call my Emperor bad names. I could not help to notice the mounts of the bone head Hussars of my nemesis. Oui, I was right as I entered this den of loud mouths and braggers. I could hear that voice over all the insults to moi Emperor. Bragging how the bone heads are the finest Cheval in the World! I also could not help to notice the lobster backs drinking at the bar as they all turned facing the door. I pull my Colpack off as the new officers looked with staring eyes! I could not help to think that they never saw a Creole before and when I took my cape off I showed the rank of full Colonel in the French Armee. Most of the French officers were in a corner not says much as I walk pass them. Madame may I have a bottle of fine Dominican rum! I knew that would turn some of my comrades in arms stomach .I knew many of them lost friends and family in the Iles. I could not believe that there were some Spanish soldat’s there, my mouth water with the thought that I could now have some revenge. I place an Austrian standard on the bar top to show that oui a new year and a new Major victory who's next!

Author:  MCJones1810 [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

A Hanoverian Staff Officer looks up from his paperwork as Colonel Dumas enters the tavern. He cannot fail to notice the fact that the Frenchman's coat is wet and muddy, obviously the result of a long ride and a hard fought engagement. The Hanoverian smiles to himself as the good, Creole officer orders a bottle of Dominican rum, much to the obvious consternation of some of his French comrades. His smile dims just a bit as he watches the French officer confidently place a captured, Austrian standard on the bar.

Catching the eye of the beautiful bar maid, the Commander of the Hanoverian Brigade motions for her to approach his table. Reaching in his pocket he pulls out some coin, carefully sorting through all of the captured, French ones to locate an English pound. "My dear Helga, please take this as payment for that bottle of rum that General Dumas just requested", says the Hanoverian Colonel. "He looks cold and a bit tired," glancing again at the captured, Austrian standard, he continues, "and he seems to have well earned the respect of his adversaries this day."

Congratulations, Cliff! :P :P :P

And commiserations to my fallen, Austrian comrade in arms. :( :( :(

Author:  Matt Wenczkowski [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

The lowly lieutenant watches a French Colonel enter the tavern. As the colonel shakes off the rain and looks around, the lientenant wonders how can he be soaked head to toe but his hat feathers remain all puffy and colorful. The colonel produces an Austrian sword with an evil grin on his face and a special twinkle in his eye. The lieutenant recognizes the look of victory and even remembers what it feels like, yes he too has an Austrian sword from a vanquished foe. The lieutenant raises his drink to the colonel in a gesture of a toast and then downs it's contents. The still relatively new French officer starts to stagger out of the taven, salutes the victorius colonel and says, "Congartulations sir." As the devoted officer approaches the door he says loudly, "Vive L' France, Vive L'Empereur!" Lieutenant Wencz departs and heads straight for the French armory to obtain a new French saber, worthy of a Dragoon to use to defeat his Empereurs enemies.

Author:  MCJones1810 [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

Matt Wenczkowski wrote:
...the lientenant wonders how can he be soaked head to toe but his hat feathers remain all puffy and colorful.

Scotchgard! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Author:  Matt Wenczkowski [ Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

President Colonel Jones wrote:

LOL, I gotta get me some of that stuff, but I'll have to change the name to "French Guard!" :mrgreen:

Author:  Bill Peters [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

Oh .... Austrian sword .... that explains it ..... :mrgreen:

Author:  clifton seeney [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

Well ,well the original point man the leader of the bone heads. You know am always open for battle Monsieur if you play causalities and not points!

Author:  Bill Peters [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

HAHA!! Boneheads! Where is Scott Ludwig at! Never heard the Leib Hussars called THAT before.

Very funny Cliff and no, I am not in need of an easy win but if I do need a morale boost I will email you for a game. :mrgreen:

Author:  clifton seeney [ Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

Oui, Monsieur after you beat all the French junior officers look me up the Senior Officers know your Little bag of tricks!

Author:  SLudwig [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

Congrats Cliff & be careful who you call a bonehead.... :lol:

Author:  clifton seeney [ Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

Well Ole Fritz isn't that emblem on their hat a bone head (skull and cross bones)????

Author:  Bill Peters [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

Yes Cliff, wiping out your French army and then you complaining about the victory levels ... was really funny. With the Imperial Guard gutted, III & I Corps on the Auerstaedt battlefield reduced to mere shells of their original selves. Yes, you are definitely right up there with Colin and Jeff and Paco. :wink:

Keep on dreaming .... :mrgreen:

Author:  clifton seeney [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: One for France!

With out a doubt Monsieur your Cav skills put the French Armee to shame on the battle field where they should have been their best. Bravo your bone head Noir's Chavel are indeed a terror!

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