Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Update on Forums & Site Upgrades
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Author:  SLudwig [ Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Update on Forums & Site Upgrades


"Sapeur-Mineur de la Garde" - Keith Rocco

Update on Forums & Site Upgrades

Officers of La Grande Armée & the Allied Coalition,

Just wanted to mention briefly that over the last few months we have been working with an outside company to upgrade the forums. We are in the final stages of fixing some functions, but overall it is in much better shape. Hopefully folks should notice some visual changes and more stability in the forums. The version of the software running the forums was rather out of date and not only was there visible issues & decay in the forums' performance, there was concern that it could fail or we could lose all our content. Since the issue was above any of our pay grades, we decided to get outside help. Joe Meyer at the ACWGC referred us to the wonderful web solutions company who has been able to get the software up to date and everything functional. They helped us tremendously and staved off disaster for sure.

This latest resolution should hopefully end what has been various technical issues for the forums & the 3 Clubs (NWC, ACWGC & CCC) over the last few years. Some of it took time to resolve and some of it was out of our control & had to do with changes in global/Internet wide security/functionality that our website hosting company had to resolve. There are still a few website related issues that the Club Staff needs to finish up work on, but getting the forums secured and upgraded took top priority.

Hopefully folks like the improvements and the forums are working better for everyone!

We'll have some news items coming out at different times over the next several months. There's some long term news related projects we've been working to complete and so we want to share it with folks. I think the big one will be posted within the next few days. Also it appears the Master of Europe (MOE) VI Tournament is getting down towards some of the final rounds, so we should know who the new Master of Europe will be within the next several months as well!

As always, we appreciate the time you spend with the Club and for taking the time to read this.

Wishing you all a Great Summer!

Generalfeldmarschall Scott Kronprinz Ludwig von Preußen
Chief of Staff (CoS) of the Allied Coalition
Kommandeur des Königlich-Preußischen Armee-Korps

On Behalf of the Allied Coalition & the La Grande Armée

Field Marshal Sir Andrew Moss, 1st Duke of Wellington K.T.
Commander-in-Chief (CiC) of the Allied Coalition
Anglo-Allied Army (AAA) Army Chief of Staff (CoS)

Feldmarschall Jim Erzherzog Pfluecke von Teschen
Oberbefehlshaber des Österreichischen Imperialen Armeekorps
Kommandeur of the Austro-Prussian-Swedish Army

Field Marshal Sir "Lucky" Jim Hall, 1st Duke of York & Albany K.G.
Army Commander (AC) of the Anglo-Allied Army (AAA)

The Adjutant-General of His Imperial Majesty Prince Braine-Le Comte General-Feldmarshal Vladimir Repnin
Imperial Russian Corps Commander

The Adjutant-General of His Imperial Majesty Prince Austerlitzky General-Feldmarshal Bill Cann
Imperial Russian Corps Chief of Staff

Maréchal d'Empire John Corbin, Grand-duc de Piave et Comte de Beauvais
Le Commandant en Chef de La Grande Armée

Général Ernie Sands
Commandant de l'École Spéciale Impériale Militaire

Général de Division Pierre Desruisseaux
Général de la Sécurité des Communications

Général Dominik Derwinski
Grand Maréchal du Palais de la Maison Militaire de l'Empereur

Author:  Bill Peters [ Sat Jul 20, 2019 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Update on Forums & Site Upgrades

A link to a "Help Pay For Upgrades" would be nice. I would chip in some pesos for sure.

Author:  John Corbin [ Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Update on Forums & Site Upgrades

Great efforts and i agree on help pay for all the work feature.

Hopefully the signup forms get resolved soon as well

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