Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Waterloo Files
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Author:  Richard Hamilton [ Thu May 12, 2005 8:25 am ]
Post subject:  Waterloo Files


I pains me to have to type this, but alas I missed a couple of files in my final review prior to mastering Waterloo. The game will run fine the way it ships, however the pdt files for both the "Waterloo Campaign" & "Waterloo Single" files do not include the code which alters visibility like I mention in the designer notes. Gradual reduction for dusk and dawn and then visibility reduction during the main Waterloo battle due to accumulating smoke.

The reason they were missed is, if you change pdt files out in the middle of a game and the weather entires are different it totally hoses the results the engine places on the game file. So, instead of messing up all the play test games I held these to the side...and then missed including them in the final shipment to John. <sigh>

So, I've placed them on my site so you can download them prior to starting any games. Just drop them in your main game directory prior to firing up a match and you will be good to go:

Another notable omission (though I submitted the file!) was that the Historical Background document (by Dierk Walter) got left off the cd! I've linked that on my product spotlight page, here:

All three of these files will be included with the first patch, but it would be best to grab them now and not risk messing up an ongoing battle.


Gen. Hamilton, Baron d'Barbancon
21st Division
VII Corps, ADR

Saxon Leib-Garde, de la Jeune Garde, Garde Impériale


Author:  Bill Peters [ Thu May 12, 2005 11:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Well if this is the only error you made Rich then bravo.

I plan on putting some files out on my server for the guys to get for Wagram and Eckmuhl.

Thanks for making them available now for us instead of making us wait for the patch![:)]

Oberst Wilhelm Peters
2nd Kuirassiers, Reserve Korps, Austrian Army

Author:  dalelast [ Thu May 12, 2005 11:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Since a lot of us will be getting Waterloo would it be possible to make this thread a "sticky" ?

Lt. Dale Lastowicka
16th Light Dragoons
4th Cavalry Brigade
Cavalry Corps
Anglo-Allied Army

Author:  Richard Hamilton [ Fri May 13, 2005 6:23 am ]
Post subject: 

I've asked Pierre to make this a Sticky.

Gen. Hamilton, Baron d'Barbancon
21st Division
VII Corps, ADR

Saxon Leib-Garde, de la Jeune Garde, Garde Impériale


Author:  Le Tondu [ Mon May 16, 2005 3:43 am ]
Post subject: 

I have Waterloo enroute as I type. What folder(s) should we place the two files in?

"It takes more courage to muster the exercise of critical intellect than to fight on the battlefield."

Author:  Richard Hamilton [ Mon May 16, 2005 8:35 am ]
Post subject: 

The main game folder, and you will be promted to over write the two existing files, which is fine.

Gen. Hamilton, Baron d'Barbancon
21st Division
VII Corps, ADR

Saxon Leib-Garde, de la Jeune Garde, Garde Impériale


Author:  Richard Hamilton [ Mon Aug 01, 2005 2:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

The first patch is compiled and should be out before too long...and these files will be included with that. So, it would be best if people wrapped up on-going matches prior to it's release, because if you apply the patch to an on-going game the weather will be hosed.

Alternatively, for those playing big scenarios, you can run the patch in WinZip and extract everything but the pdt files and you will be OK.

Maréchal Hamilton, Baron d'Barbancon
21st Division
VII Corps, ADR

Saxon Leib-Garde, de la Jeune Garde, Garde Impériale


Author:  Richard Hamilton [ Tue Aug 02, 2005 12:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Forget that last post. [8)]

I've created new PDT files and I'm going in and changing all the .scn files so that they point to the new PDT all new games will pull the correct data, but all existing games will continue with out the altered weather effects.

Maréchal Hamilton, Baron d'Barbancon
21st Division
VII Corps, ADR

Saxon Leib-Garde, de la Jeune Garde, Garde Impériale


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