Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Wanna pick a HUGE fight??
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Author:  Le Tondu [ Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Wanna pick a HUGE fight??


I just spent some time creating a HUGE scenario for Campaign: Waterloo. It was born out observing too many "half strength" battalions and a desire to be better acquainted with the scenario editor. I had some bumps along the way, but it was sure fun.

If you're interested, email me at and I'll send along in a .zip file : the scenario, the pdt file, the .oob file and the OOB text file.

I hope you all like it.

From the scenario description:

This is a HUGE Alternative History Scenario with a French army of 258,000+ vs. a Prussian/ Anglo Allied army of 300,000+ using the Belgium map for a meeting engagement scenario set for June 1816. -------- Use your imagination in anyway you may like to justify this scenario. Napoleon will be at his very best and the French have the advantage in cavalry (13,000+) and some better quality troops. The Allies have a good advantage in infantry (50,000+) and the advantage in artillery (38 guns.) The scenario starts at 0600 and by 0730, all forces will be present on the map. I set the scenario to 1,000 turns which will be more than enough. I did this so there would be absolutely no pressure to move quickly. Also, supply wagons are set at 500 and ammo is set at 8,000 so supply won't be a problem. ------- There, the stage is set for a Battle Royale. Please email me with any comments at: Good luck & have fun.

<center>Lieutenant Rick Motko
1er Bataillon, 33° Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
2eme Brigade, 11eme division
IIIe corps, Armée du Nord</center>

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