Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Sir "Lucky's Golden Chamberpot Challange
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Author:  Jim Hall [ Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Sir "Lucky's Golden Chamberpot Challange

Getlemen of France.

I have donated one of my set of embossed Chamberpots as the prize in a Challange between 2nd Corps Allied/Dutch Army and any French Corps.[:D]

The format will be HPS(latest patch), MP(two per team) all other factors Scn.,Options, and House Rules are down to the individual opponents to decide.[8]

We have three strong teams of very brave officers but have we any amphibians brave enough to pick up my Chamberpot[:0]

Field Marshal Sir "Lucky" Jim (K.G.)
Commander 2nd. Corps
Allied/Dutch Army
"And let my sword not sleep in my hand"

Author:  Mark Oakford [ Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:05 am ]
Post subject: 

I wondered what that was on your head! [:D] Know we all know! [:p][:p]

Is there a partner from the III Corps, ADN?


Col Mark Oakford
III Corps, ADN

Author:  John Corbin [ Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:28 am ]
Post subject: 

More gasbags from the allied side... ho hum...

Mark.. If you will have me ? I will gladely side with you

Monsieur le Marechal John Corbin
Chief of Staff
La Grande Armee
NWC Cabinet Member

Author:  valere5 [ Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't know why there are so few french candidates regarding the trophee. A so beautiful pot full with so illustrous brainthinking goods [:D][:D][:D]

Sorry Jim, I couldn't resist [;)]

<font color="orange">1e Luitenant Valère Bernard </font id="orange">
<font color="red">Anglo-Allied Administrative Adjutant</font id="red">
<font color="orange">Divisie Nederlandsche Kavallerie
I Corps
Anglo-Allied Army
</font id="orange">

Author:  Mark Oakford [ Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:59 am ]
Post subject: 

John, my apologies [:(], GdB Baron Greg Morgan, Comte de Gironde, actually beat you with a reply to a seperate email to the III Corps and I have accepted.

I agree, another gasbag jumped in after you as well![}:)]

I am positive that the shopkeeper will want some more players (they are very greedy, you know[;)]) and some more of our bretheren will come forward to help to defend the Motherland.


Col Mark Oakford

Author:  Gregor Morgan [ Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:55 am ]
Post subject: 


My old comrade Gabriel Rodriguez has indicated an interest in facing the proposed challenge. Perhaps you could team up with him.

<font color="gold">Général de Brigade Baron Greg Morgan, Comte de Gironde
2ème Brigade
3ème Division Cavalerie Légerè
IIIème Corps
l' Armée du Nord
</font id="gold">

Author:  Mark Oakford [ Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

5 players now. One more from the III Corps ADN required.

Col Mark Oakford

Author:  Mark Oakford [ Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sir, there are now six. Partnerships will be sent via courier asap. Please be gentle with him, the smell of your rosbif puts him off his garlic sauasage!

Given that there are 3 Marshalls of France in this team, there had better be some gold leaf on this embossed pot of yours to make up for their time in having, once again, to beat up on you shopkeepers![:D]

Perhaps there will be some ongoing reports on our battles for this magnificent piece of Georgian chamberware...(Don't ask me, it's an English expression!)[;)]

Col Mark Oakford

Author:  Mark Oakford [ Sun Oct 02, 2005 12:39 am ]
Post subject: 

The rules are very simple:

Games are from HPS titles, patched to the latest patch: Eckmuhl 1.09, Wagram 1.05 or Waterloo 1.01.

Games are to be around 40 turns in length (so they’re not too long and we can get a result this year).

If possible, say, after every 5th turn, can each side agree to put forward a short summary of their battle on the topic in the Tavern.

Partners and adversaries are to agree on the game and applicable house rules, then have at it!

Partners are:

Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer

Rick Martin/Ed Blackburn V John Corbin/Gabriel Rodriguez

Jim Hall/A N Other V Gregor Morgan/Mark Oakford

Our third group will have to wait while Jim rustles up another partner, but the rest of will start soon.

Expect more as games progress.


Col Mark Oakford
9eme Ch a Ch, III Corps, ADN

Author:  John Corbin [ Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:52 pm ]
Post subject: 


Monsieur le Marechal John Corbin
Chief of Staff
La Grande Armee
NWC Cabinet Member

Author:  bobbreen [ Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

The match among Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer is underway. We are playing a slighly modified version of Eckmuhl 15H - Battle of Teugn Hausen and Saalhaupt. We are also using a slightly modifed version of the MOE 3 Houserules.

The Austrians have completed their first turn after formulating a brillant strategy -- primarily the work of Commander Bijl. The only obstacle now is the French!

Brigadier Sir Bob Breen KT

1st (The King's) Dragoon Guards
Commanding 71st Highlanders
Commandant, RMA

Author:  Ed Blackburn [ Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:10 am ]
Post subject: 

The Rick Martin/Ed Blackburn V John Corbin/Gabriel Rodriguez match is underway and has just reached turn 5. We are playing a TB variant from the Waterloo Campaign disk. We are using very similar rules to the MOE3 as well. The game stands at a draw with heavy French assaults reported at Quatre Bra and Ligny. French forces have taken the village of Wagonlee. There is heavy Prussian resistance in St. Armand and Ligny. These fights are so far inconclusive.

Major Ed Blackburn
Commanding 6th Div, II Corps, AAA
3rd Bn / 1st Regiment of Foot Guards

Author:  bobbreen [ Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

The match among Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer has reached Turn 6.

The French Team continues to maintain their starting Minor Victory. The Austrians have captured their first victory hex.

Initial contacts have been made accross a 7 KM front, with skirmishing taking place in the clearing near Hausener Berg, the woods near Brenn Berg, the clearing near Hennen Nest, and a brief cavalry skirmish on the southeastern (right) edge of the map. Austrians have lost 479 infantry, 44 cavalry and 1 gun. French losses are 157 infantry and 123 cavalry.

..... <i>previously posted on 10 October </i>.....

We are playing a slighly modified version of the 32 turn Eckmuhl 15H scenario - Battle of Teugn Hausen and Saalhaupt. We are also using a slightly modifed version of the MOE 3 Houserules.

The Austrians have completed their first turn after formulating a brillant strategy -- primarily the work of Commander Bijl. The only obstacle now is the French!

Brigadier Sir Bob Breen KT

1st (The King's) Dragoon Guards
Commanding 71st Highlanders
Commandant, RMA

Author:  285 [ Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

[The match among Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer]

Notes from the French Quartier General, Flanc Gauche

Contact with the Enemy has been made in the woods by Saalhaupt. The frontline is formed with skirmishers fire. A company of Chasseurs a Cheval ventured too far and has been captured on our extreme left.
The Enemy's strategy is yet unclear.
The troops morale is excellent and the men seem eager to engage the white coats.

General Duc Jean-Denis Martin

Author:  bobbreen [ Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:25 am ]
Post subject: 

The match among Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer has reached Turn 16 - the halfway mark.

The French Team continues to maintain their starting Minor Victory. The Austrians have taken a second victory hex and are within 100 points of a Draw.

Two Brigades of the 4th Corps have emerged from a march through the Bern Berg Woods and have cut the road between Theugn and Saalhaupt, dividing the French forces. All signs indicate a decisive battle is shaping up around Theugn.

French losses are 9900 infantry, 1100 cavalry and 6 leaders. Austrian losses are 9200 infantry, 600 cavalry, 2 guns and 2 leaders.

<i>..... previously posted on 4 November .....

The match among Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer has reached Turn 10.

The French Team continues to maintain their starting Minor Victory. The Austrians are threating a second victory hex.

The fighting south of Teugn has seen both infantry and cavalry engagements. The engagement south of Saalhapt is developing more slowly but is across a much wider area. Austrians have lost 1983 infantry, 107 cavalry, 1 gun, and 1 leader. French losses are 1642 infantry, 560 cavalry, and 1 leader.

[i]..... previously posted on 26 October .....

The match among Bob Breen/Marco Bijl V Jean-Denis Martin/Jonathan Thayer has reached Turn 6.

The French Team continues to maintain their starting Minor Victory. The Austrians have captured their first victory hex.

Initial contacts have been made accross a 7 KM front, with skirmishing taking place in the clearing near Hausener Berg, the woods near Brenn Berg, the clearing near Hennen Nest, and a brief cavalry skirmish on the southeastern (right) edge of the map. Austrians have lost 479 infantry, 44 cavalry and 1 gun. French losses are 157 infantry and 123 cavalry.

..... previously posted on 10 October .....

We are playing a slighly modified version of the 32 turn Eckmuhl 15H scenario - Battle of Teugn Hausen and Saalhaupt. We are also using a slightly modifed version of the MOE 3 Houserules.

The Austrians have completed their first turn after formulating a brillant strategy -- primarily the work of Commander Bijl. The only obstacle now is the French!</i>

Brigadier Sir Bob Breen KT

1st (The King's) Dragoon Guards
Commanding 71st Highlanders
Commandant, RMA

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