Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Information Regarding Future Elections
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Author:  Jeff Bardon [ Mon Oct 03, 2005 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Information Regarding Future Elections

In the interest of keeping the members informed, the cabinet has been discussing some procedures to govern future elections and appointments to the club's administrative posts. Once we have a new president, these discussions will continue and the the official rules will be posted to the club site.

At this time the framework is as follows:

Future Elections:

Held annually in the fall, typically October.

Exact date determined by consensus of cabinet.

Scope of elections and additional referendums shall be finalized and presented by the cabinet.

All Nominees must be members in good standing and be nominated by 5 fellow officers to demonstrate support for the candidacy.

The offices of President, Public Relations Officer, and Club Secretary will be elected annually to one year terms.

If the President resigns or is otherwise unavailable, the Public Relations Officer(PRO) shall assume the role of president until either the next annual election or until a separate special election is held.

If the PRO resigns the Club Secretary shall assume the role of PRO until either the next annual election or until a separate special election is held.

Special elections shall be held at the discretion of the cabinet to fill vacancies or conduct referendums amongst club members.

The positions of Allied and French CiC, as military representatives of the opposing forces shall be appointed annually by the respective armies in such a manner as each side deems fit.

No limits shall be imposed on length of service or number of terms an officer may hold any cabinet post.

In the absence of a civilian cabinet, the French and Allied CiC's agree to wage incessant war upon one another so as to lay claim to all of Europe and impose their will upon one another and divide their enemy's lands amongst their loyal officers. [:D][;)][:0]


Author:  Eugene [ Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

May I ask that we have the Elections in the autumn and not the fall.....I thank you.


<b><i>Marechal Eugène</i>
Comte de la Vendée,
Duc de Francfort
Les Companies d'Artillerie de
l'Infanterie de la Vieille Garde.
ex Armée Commander
L'Armée du Rhin</b>

Author:  Jeff Bardon [ Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, you can always ask....

Author:  Neville Worland [ Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:03 am ]
Post subject: 

[quote]<i>Originally posted by Eugene</i>
<br />May I ask that we have the Elections in the autumn and not the fall.....I thank you.

Perhaps in the interests of accuracy, for the sake of our antipoean brothers, the form might be "late in the calender year"? "The fall" is a bit problematic, as we are in our spring at that time and most of our trees are not deciduous.

Neville Worland
"A Queenslander" and proud of it.

Lt Colonel Neville Worland
2nd Régiment de Dragons
Ier Corps de Réserve de Cavalerie
Army du Nord

Author:  Jeff Bardon [ Sat Nov 12, 2005 10:40 am ]
Post subject: 

We'll shoot for the latter half of the year and make sure we notify everyone ahead of time.


Jeff Bardon
Duc de Castiglione
Prince de Wagram
Commandant de la Vieille Garde
Marechal de l'Empire
CiC- La Grande Armee

Author:  Le Tondu [ Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:09 am ]
Post subject: 

I find that the big problem with our elections is the real lack of information. Let's do away with a simple announcement on who won.

I would like to ask that all the results be posted in a sticky thread here at the Rhine Tavern --that will stay up for at least a week weeks, maybe two. They should include the vote total for the club AND the number of votes for each & every candidate who ran.


Lieutenant Colonel Rick Motko
1er Bataillon, 33° Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
2eme Brigade, 11eme division
IIIe corps, Armée du Nord

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