Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

The room fills with the smell of a thousand roses
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Author:  Eugene [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  The room fills with the smell of a thousand roses

The ladies behind the bar as one look to the door......young officers reach for their swords, only to be held back by the more veteran British officers among them. Can it be ???????? Tell me it is not so !!!!!! My god, look. it <b>IS</b> him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
A gold coach with 8 white horses pulls up outside the Tavern and four servants jump down to open the door and roll out the red carpet, each one of them bedecked in silk and feathers that would have made a flock of pink flamingoes look like a pack of seagulls. A jeweled shoe is the first thing the crowd see as one they call his name. " Eugene, Eugene, look its Eugene back from..............where hell has he been ???????"
Eugene alights from the coach and walks into the dark Tavern but not before turning and giving the adoring crowd one last wave with his silk hanky and throwing them some gold coins. Turning around Eugene boldly walks up to the bar and in a voice that would have stopped a......errr.......small child in her tracks orders a drink for all in the house.

<b><i>I have returned.</i></b>

New e mail address in my profile guys......[:)]

<b><i>Marechal Eugène</i>
Comte de la Vendée,
Duc de Francfort
Les Companies d'Artillerie de
l'Infanterie de la Vieille Garde.
ex Armée Commander
L'Armée du Rhin</b>

Author:  John Corbin [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome back sir...

The smell of roses is preferable to the overpowering smell of saussages..

Monsieur le Marechal John Corbin
Chief of Staff
La Grande Armee
NWC Cabinet Member

Author:  Dejan Zupancic [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 7:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome back Sir!
This place won't be the same now (not to mention the waitresses [;)]).

GdD Dejan Zupancic, Comte de St. Pol
Saxon Division de Cavalerie
Armee du Rhin

Author:  Ed Blackburn [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:20 am ]
Post subject: 

The question is, What is the smell that roses must cover.[;)]

Brigadier Ed Blackburn
Commanding 6th Div, II Corps, AAA
3rd Bn / 1st Regiment of Foot Guards

Author:  Sir Muddy [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:04 am ]
Post subject: 

The Tavern is all in a twitter as Marechal Eugene makes his grand return entrance. The damsels, are fainting, and the young French officers are all standing round with eyes aglow. As Eugene pushes forward into the crowd of admirers and makes his way to the bar, he passes near several tables of Allied officers. That was his first mistake, swiftly a muddied boot shoots out from beneath a table as Eugene passes by. The perfumed Marechal trips and falls -- quite clumsily -- to the Tavern's dirty floor. [B)] Indignantly, Eugene looks at the soiled boot that caused his embarassment. The boot, it seems, is connected to a veteran cavalry officer in His Majesty's service. The Marechal didn't need to see anymore. He knew this boot. He had been on the recieving end of it many times before -- during the Russian campaign and in Belgium.

As Eugene picked himself off the floor, the Englishman rose and offered him a hand -- and some advice. "Dear Marechal, you really must watch your step. The floor of the Tavern can be quite slick. Of course, those slippers that you're wearing are really too dainty for this venue. You really shouldn't wear them outside of your bedroom.

Come, let me drink to your return -- it will help you forget about your embarassing entrance." [:0]

FM Sir 'Muddy' Jones, KG
2nd Life Guards, Household Cavalry

Author:  Barrett, of the Vth [ Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

<font color="pink">It's true, and I had to move mighty quickly to dodge Muddy's boot going past my head. [B)] He must not have known I was under his table. Funny, when the night began I had no expectation of seeing a Marshal eye to eye. [:D] Hail and well met sir. Friends in low places, n'est pas? </font id="pink">

General Barrett,
Duc de Ligny, Comte de Brienne,
Commander, VI (Bavarian) Corps, Army of the Rhine,
la 1er Compagnie d'Artillerie de la Vieille Garde

Author:  Bill Peterson [ Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:50 am ]
Post subject: 

The grizzled, hard-bitten old Editor, who's seen them come and go, scratches his ink-stained beard, adjusts his battered green eyeshade, and stands to address the returning hero, and the crowd:
"<i>Mon Prince</i>, pray ignore the schoolboy pranks of the insalubrious <i>Milord Crotté</i>. Friends, our society is regaining the service of a humorist of the highest caliber -- a 24-pounder, at least! Those of you too young to remember, should hie ye to the archives to read and The <i>NWC Newsletter</i> could use an infusion of Eugenious wit. What can you offer me for edition XXV?"

Your Friendly Editor, [8D]

<b>Maréchal Bill Peterson</b>
Duc de Zurich, Comte de Besançon
2ème Régiment de Grenadiers à Cheval, Cavalerie de la Vieille Garde
Commandant, Ier Corps de Réserve de Cavalerie (<i>Vae Victis!</i>), AdN, NWC

Author:  nelmsm [ Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

<blockquote id="quote"><font size="3" face="book antiqua" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Bill Peterson</i>
<br />The grizzled, hard-bitten old Editor, who's seen them come and go, scratches his ink-stained beard, adjusts his battered green eyeshade, and stands to address the returning hero, and the crowd:
"<i>Mon Prince</i>, pray ignore the schoolboy pranks of the insalubrious <i>Milord Crotté</i>. Friends, our society is regaining the service of a humorist of the highest caliber -- a 24-pounder, at least! Those of you too young to remember, should hie ye to the archives to read and The <i>NWC Newsletter</i> could use an infusion of Eugenious wit. What can you offer me for edition XXV?"

Your Friendly Editor, [8D]

<b>Maréchal Bill Peterson</b>
Duc de Zurich, Comte de Besançon
2ème Régiment de Grenadiers à Cheval, Cavalerie de la Vieille Garde
Commandant, Ier Corps de Réserve de Cavalerie (<i>Vae Victis!</i>), AdN, NWC

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Oh my goodness! I had forgotten all about being involved in that fracas. I think I might have sometimes spent as much time writing our side of the narrative to send to the French as I did on the turn. Of course given the result of the battle I should have spent more time on the turn. [;)]

Lt. General Sir Mark Nelms K.G.
1st Regiment of Foot Guards

Author:  SLudwig [ Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah these came up before, when Eugene announced his return a few months back...I will say they are good reads...[:D][:D]



General der Infanterie Scott Prinz Ludwig von Saxe-Weimar
Aide-du-Kamp and Webmaster
Heer am Niederrhein
[url=""]Königliche Preußische Armee[/url]</center>

Author:  Bill Peters [ Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Every Rose I ever knew didnt take a bath!!! [:D][:D]

Those Roses can really empty a room out fast! [;)]

Bill Peters

[url=""]Fire and Melee Wargame site[/url]

Author:  Jeff Bardon [ Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Woo Hoo!

Break out the finest and lock up the finery. We are in the presence of greatness.

I do hope Otto and the oompah band will be here shortly.



Jeff Bardon
Duc de Castiglione
Prince de Wagram
Commandant de la Vieille Garde
Marechal de l'Empire
CiC- La Grande Armee

Author:  Eugene [ Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you one and all for the welcome back.
Otto and the oompah band have finished unloading my small 457 room campaign tent from the ships I will again take to the field of battle. All I need now is a quick training battle to get my feet wet again......Sir Muddy how about a quickie and a battle ??

By the way Bill I can not take all the credit for those articles, they were just made up from the e mails that were flying around with that battle.

<b><i>Marechal Eugène</i>
Comte de la Vendée,
Duc de Francfort
Les Companies d'Artillerie de
l'Infanterie de la Vieille Garde.
ex Armée Commander
L'Armée du Rhin</b>

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