Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)

Why Join Prussia?? Today Is Our Day!!
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Author:  SLudwig [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  Why Join Prussia?? Today Is Our Day!!


<b>The New Blue is Black!!

New Officers Both Recruits and Returning</b>

For all ages of these lands stand the prominent one of them all. I speak of Prussia. The Prussian Armee is one of the best chances to make something of yourself in this club or a cool place to relax and disappear from the masses and have some fun if that is your style. We are a low key force that tries to have fun and encourage good gamesmanship and positive additude. We don't require you to be constantly playing games as some Armies. We don't pester you every month with musters. We don't wipe your existence in the Armee and club away like most of the others if you leave. We offer one of the best medals and promotions system. Not unweildy rank points nor medals based solely on victories. Our medals are exstensive and easy to get, but also a fun challenge. We also have plenty of openings and room for growth.

So if you want a nice little place to have some fun, relax, play games check us out.

Feel free to e-mail too:

Who knows maybe you will be the next Blucher, the <b>only</b> man who was never afraid of old Boney!!

You know what they say. Once you go black you never got back!!

Besides we played a major part in 2 of Napoleon's 3 defeats!!

This message was brought to you by the Council to Find More Prussians!!</center>



Herr Windbagenführer General der Infanterie Scott Prinz "Vorwärts" Ludwig von Saxe-Weimar
(Old Windy) (Windbagfrankfurter) (The Mad Prussian)
Aide-du-Kamp and Webmaster
Kommandeur Garde-Grenadiere-Korps & 3. Infanterie-Brigade
Heer am Niederrhein
Preußische Armee

Vorwärts Meine Kinder, Vorwärts!! Glory and History Await You On This Day!!

This Day, Today, Marschall Vorwärts' Day!!

[url=""]Königliche Preußische Armee[/url]

[url=""]Network for Good[/url]

[url=""]Napoleonic Wargaming - INWC[/url]</center>

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