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PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:14 am 
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Joined: Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:55 am
Posts: 1717
Location: Bouches-de-l’Elbe
WDS brings us up to patch level 4.08.1 for the Napoleonic Battles series.
Please be aware that this patch level doesn't come as a patch(only for Waterloo & the Demo since they were released as 4.08. For them you can the small update off the WDS Napoleonic Support page found at ... tles.), you will need the latest installer to make a full new and clean installation, these can be downloaded from your WDS account.

This update has a range of interesting changes.
Please take a look here: ... -1-updates

Général Christian Hecht
Commandant en Chef de la Grande Armée
Comte et Chevalier de l'Empire


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 6:12 pm 

Joined: Wed May 23, 2001 10:18 am
Posts: 6149
Rich Hamilton makes a comment on the blog about the Prussian 6lb guns having differing values from Leipzig/1814 to Bautzen. The problem he saw was a max range issue. Actually the Company Level (CL) scenarios have a 17 hex max range and this is correct. The ground scale is different and thus the max range would be longer than in the standard 100 meter hex ground scale of the vast majority of the scenarios.

I am no longer in the loop on the values they are planning on using so like the rest of you I will just wait to see that they are. I am hoping that they didn't reduce the range in the CL scenarios.

Another thing: a 12lb gun firing at Quatras Bras had a better effectiveness for range than the same battery firing on June 18th at Waterloo. Why? You know why. The ground was damp. Despite waiting until 11 AM to start the battle, its been noted in many a book on the battle that the ball did not roll as far. Elevation of gun barrel puts the ball out to a certain range and then the billiard table concept took over. The gun actually could not fire up to max range. They fired at a point under what we see as "Max Range" and the rolling effect took over. And most battery commanders were under orders not to waste powder.

My call would be to play with the Max Range OFF in the AI Fire Dialog for artillery to reflect that most of the fire was done at Medium or Short ranges. Leave it for the player during their turn to use. Especially at Waterloo which for whatever reason seems to be the "Standard Game" for the series. Baloney on that. Waterloo was a unique campaign with weather issues that factored in. The same could be said of the second day of Leipzig. Probably my fault for not lowering the ranges for that particular day of battle and perhaps the 3rd day too.

You cannot standardize the cannon over the entire course of the French Rev. and Napoleonic Wars. The powder content improved for the Russians, for instance such that one of their 6lb guns firing during the 1799 campaign in Italy was not as effective as one at Borodino. Its nice and dandy to have the same values but you venture into Utopia when you do that.

I believe I have posted my PDF for the values for artillery over the period of 1792 until 1815 that I used when I did that last big JTS - Nap Battles series I worked on back in the summer of 2020. I can do that again if its requested. A lot of us got together to work over those values. The entire set of games I worked on were then updated using those values.


Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Prinz Peters von Dennewitz

3. Husaren-Regiment, Reserve-Kavallerie, Preußischen Armee-Korps

Honarary CO of Garde-Ulanen Regiment, Garde-Grenadier Kavallerie

NWC Founding Member

For Club Games: I prefer the Single Phase mode of play. I prefer to play with the following options OFF:

MDF, VP4LC, NRO, MTD, CMR, PR, MIM, NDM, OMR (ver 4.07)

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PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2024 1:35 pm 
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Joined: Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:55 am
Posts: 1717
Location: Bouches-de-l’Elbe
Bill Peters wrote:
I believe I have posted my PDF for the values for artillery over the period of 1792 until 1815 that I used when I did that last big JTS - Nap Battles series I worked on back in the summer of 2020. I can do that again if its requested. A lot of us got together to work over those values. The entire set of games I worked on were then updated using those values.

Afaik that was here:

But I'm not sure if that pdf was with the final values that were used, so if you still got it please upload it here so we can see if 4.08 changes make sense.

Général Christian Hecht
Commandant en Chef de la Grande Armée
Comte et Chevalier de l'Empire


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PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2024 4:40 pm 

Joined: Wed May 23, 2001 10:18 am
Posts: 6149
I just checked that old spreadsheet/PDF and I reduced the ranges that it had for the 2020 NB series update, the last update that I worked on of that size. The list is dated July 2020. The updates went out in August or September I think. This was a JTS update of course.

For instance: in my table for the Prussians their 6lb gun has a max range of 12. I cut it down to 10 for the update. More than likely that has to do with discussions I had with folks on the team AND/OR data I found that proved that the Prussian gunners avoided wasting rounds at that range.

So its 10 in the PDT files but 12 range on the table. If I were to publish this list I need to update it first to actually coincide with the values that were in use in the PDT files that I produced.

So for now I will hold off on publishing it and my apologies for not checking this first. I thought my charts were up to date but apparently not so.


Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Prinz Peters von Dennewitz

3. Husaren-Regiment, Reserve-Kavallerie, Preußischen Armee-Korps

Honarary CO of Garde-Ulanen Regiment, Garde-Grenadier Kavallerie

NWC Founding Member

For Club Games: I prefer the Single Phase mode of play. I prefer to play with the following options OFF:

MDF, VP4LC, NRO, MTD, CMR, PR, MIM, NDM, OMR (ver 4.07)

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