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PostPosted: Sat Aug 03, 2024 6:01 am 
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Joined: Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:55 am
Posts: 1717
Location: Bouches-de-l’Elbe

Bulletin de la Grande Armée No. 9

Officers of the Grande Armée,
I am proud to share with you the advancements that the Grande Armée & the NWC has made since 25th December 2023.

Since the last bulletin we saw some adjustments to awards as well as requirements for ranks and joining the Garde Impériale and the Grenadiers de la Réserve of the Réserve.

First, Victory Point awards were made a little easier to achieve. Mainly this happened to the 3 lowest awards to keep the spirit especially of the young officer corps high. But the changes were not made because the French officer corps faild to achieve victory, not it was done because the enemy seldom appears to take up battle and this results in fewer opportunities to achieve victory points. As a result many officers receiving their first or a new VP award on 10th February 2024.

Then we had the requirement for the rank of General de Division lowered to commanding a division for 12 months, this was better positioned in regards to the other rank requirmeents but also to make it more invitable to take up a position as commander of a division. There are division with few officers and those with many in our OOB, but even those with many officers do not require much workload as it is mainly about the quarterly muster. So if anyone is interested in leading a division he should contact me.

And we also had an adjustment of the requirements to join the Garde Impériale and the Grenadiers de la Réserve of the Reserve in regards to required service time as commander, amounted VP and OBD points, so that the requirements overall make more sense. Be aware, if you fullfill the requirements just contact me to be transfered because reassigment to that formation is voluntary.

No the visial part saw the overhaul of the ranks page by our Commandant en Premier Inspecteur Général du Génie Capitaine Sergio Porres. The ranks page now shows all needed requirements for each rank along with the proper rank insignia, and makes sure despite all the informations provided that the page is still easy to navigate for every officer.

Training wise we further advanced but still have some more members waiting to be trained but we are getting closer to the goal of training new members right upon sign up.
In case anyone wants to join the trainers of the École Spéciale Impériale Militaire, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Last but not least is our clubs beloved core gaming series, the Napoleonic Battles series. WDS continues to improve this series, and by now we are at patch level 4.08. If anyone wants to contribute to the improvement he shouldn't hesitate to post any idea, error, etc. on the WDS forum. Of course we welcome any discussions about any kind of improvements on our forum too, so if you got something on your mind just let us know by posting a thread on our own NWC forum.

Gentlemen, let me wish you good summer and a successful battle season.
Vive la Révolution! Vive la France!! Vive l'Empereur!!!

Following is a list of noteworthy occurrences of our officer corps since the 25th December 2023.

Lieutenant Michał Młódzik received the L'Étoile Militaire on 20th July 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Chef de Bataillon Gian Luca Giorgi received the L'Étoile Militaire on 6th July 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Sous-Lieutenant Thomas Porto received the Médaille Militaire on 6th July 2024 for his first major victory.(S2024F0057)

Général de Brigade Al Amos received the Aigle Impérial en Bronze on 8th June 2024 for reaching 5 or more years of active duty in the Grande Armée.

Sous-Lieutenant Tomasz Tesznar received the Aigle Impérial en Bronze on 8th June 2024 for reaching 5 or more years of active duty in the Grande Armée.

Colonel David Andrews received the Aigle Impérial en Bronze on 8th June 2024 for reaching 5 or more years of active duty in the Grande Armée.

Sous-Lieutenant Bryan Mcdonald received the L'Étoile Militaire on 25th May 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Capitaine Sergi Maymi received the L'Étoile Militaire on 11th March 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Lieutenant Sergio Porres received the Légion d'honneur 1 on 3rd March 2024 for passing 200 Administrative Points.

Lieutenant Sergio Porres received the Médaille de Confédération de Rhin on 3rd March 2024 being Commandant en Premier Inspecteur Général du Génie since 6th February 2023.

Général David Guegan received the La Croix de Triomphe de Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 30 VP.

Colonel John Sheffield received the L'Étoile Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Colonel Giovanni Boffi received the L'Étoile Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Général de Brigade Sean Turner received the La Croix de la Valeur Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 15 VP.

Général de Brigade Tim Cavallin received the La Croix de la Valeur Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 15 VP.

Maréchal d'Empire Chuck Jensen received the La Croix de Triomphe de Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 30 VP.

Colonel Renaud Dupre de Boulois received the La Croix de la Valeur Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 15 VP.

Général de Brigade Ed Blackburn received the La Croix de la Valeur Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 15 VP.

Capitaine Victor Libet received the L'Étoile Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Général de Brigade Olivier Bianchi received the L'Étoile Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Général de Brigade Andrew Boustouler received the La Croix de la Valeur Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 15 VP.

Général de Division Thomas Moore received the La Croix de la Valeur Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 15 VP.

Général de Division David Earls received the La Croix de la Valeur Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 15 VP.

Maréchal d'Empire Richard Hamilton received the La Croix de la Valeur Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 15 VP.

Capitaine Marco Ranalli received the L'Étoile Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Général Pierre Desruisseaux received the La Croix de la Valeur Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 15 VP.

Général de Brigade Cezary Pluskwa received the La Croix de la Valeur Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 15 VP.

Colonel Fred Edens received the L'Étoile Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Colonel Andrea Rossi received the L'Étoile Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Général de Brigade Paul Smith received the L'Étoile Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Général Gregor Morgan received the La Croix de Triomphe de Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 30 VP.

Lieutenant Sergio Porres received the L'Étoile Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Maréchal d'Empire Dominik Derwiński received the L'Étoile Militaire on 10th February 2024 for reaching 5 VP.

Général Mark Oakford received the Légion d'honneur 3 on 9th February 2024 for passing 750 Administrative Points.

Maréchal d'Empire Paul Chavis received the Légion d'honneur 3 on 9th February 2024 for passing 750 Administrative Points.

Capitaine Aldo Miccio received the Médaille Militaire on 4th February 2024 for his first major victory.(M2024F0001)

Lieutenant Patrick Martinez received the Médaille Militaire on 4th February 2024 for his first major victory.(S2023F0094)

Général Gregor Morgan received the Légion d'honneur 1 on 28th January 2024 for passing 200 Administrative Points.

Having gained enough OBD points then Lieutenant Michał Młódzik was promoted to Capitaine on 20th July 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Major Nicholas Ferry was promoted to Colonel on 20th July 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Chef de Bataillon Drew Franz was promoted to Major on 20th July 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Capitaine Gian Luca Giorgi was promoted to Chef de Bataillon on 6th July 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Sous-Lieutenant Bryan Mcdonald was promoted to Lieutenant on 23rd June 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Lieutenant Gian Luca Giorgi was promoted to Capitaine on 6th April 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Sous-Lieutenant Michał Młódzik was promoted to Lieutenant on 6th April 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Lieutenant Sergio Porres was promoted to Capitaine on 6th April 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Sous-Lieutenant Mathias Schulte was promoted to Lieutenant on 23rd March 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Lieutenant Jonathan Powles was promoted to Capitaine on 1st March 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Major Giovanni Boffi was promoted to Colonel on 4th February 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Lieutenant Aldo Miccio was promoted to Capitaine on 4th February 2024.

Having gained enough OBD points then Sous-Lieutenant Gian Luca Giorgi was promoted to Lieutenant on 4th February 2024.

Having graduated from the École Spéciale Impériale Militaire Sous-Lieutenant Bryan Mcdonald received his Diplôme Avancé de L’École Spéciale Impériale Militaire on 23rd June 2024.

Having graduated from the École Spéciale Impériale Militaire Capitaine Jonathan Powles received his Diplôme de L’École Spéciale Impériale Militaire on 8th June 2024.

Having graduated from the École Spéciale Impériale Militaire Sous-Lieutenant Nicolas Bernard received his Diplôme Avancé de L’École Spéciale Impériale Militaire on 8th June 2024.

Having graduated from the École Spéciale Impériale Militaire Sous-Lieutenant Mathias Schulte received his Diplôme de L’École Spéciale Impériale Militaire on 31st January 2024.

Having graduated from the École Spéciale Impériale Militaire Sous-Lieutenant Martin Spangler received his Diplôme de L’École Spéciale Impériale Militaire on 20th January 2024.

New officers
Sous-Lieutenant George Copelan joined our ranks on 28th July 2024, he was assigned to the 3ème Compagnie du 3ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Cheval in the 1er Corps d'Armée.

Sous-Lieutenant Michael Mershon joined our ranks on 18th June 2024, he was assigned to the 12ème Compagnie du 5ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied in the 4ème Corps d'Armée.

Sous-Lieutenant Stuart Wilson joined our ranks on 2nd June 2024, he was assigned to the 2ème Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied in the 3ème Corps d'Armée.

Sous-Lieutenant Thomas Porto joined our ranks on 25th May 2024, he was assigned to the 3ème Compagnie du 2ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Cheval(Demi-Batterie) in the 3ème Corps d'Armée.

Sous-Lieutenant T.J. Weston joined our ranks on 8th April 2024, he was assigned to the 2ème Compagnie du 7ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied in the 3ème Corps d'Armée.

Sous-Lieutenant James Norton joined our ranks on 7th April 2024, he was assigned to the 4ème Compagnie du 2ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Cheval(Demi-Batterie) in the Réserve de Cavalerie.

Sous-Lieutenant Frank Hodge joined our ranks on 20th February 2024, he was assigned to the 14ème Compagnie du 5ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied in the 4ème Corps d'Armée.

Sous-Lieutenant Bryan Mcdonald joined our ranks on 23rd January 2024, he was assigned to the 3ème Compagnie du 3ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Cheval in the 1er Corps d'Armée.

Inactive officers returning
Sous-Lieutenant Stefano Panarella was reactivated on 25th July 2024, he was assigned to the 1ère Compagnie du 5ème Régiment d'Artillerie à Cheval in the 3ème Corps d'Armée.

Capitaine Sergi Maymi was reactivated on 11th March 2024, he was assigned to the 1er Régiment de Cuirassiers in the Réserve de Cavalerie.

Général Christian Hecht
Commandant en Chef de la Grande Armée
Comte et Chevalier de l'Empire


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 10:27 am 
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Joined: Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:46 am
Posts: 68
Congratulations on the progress.

Specially glad to see our returning officers!


Capitaine Porres
Commandant en Premier Inspecteur Général du Génie
Grand Quartier-Général Impériale

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