Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)



The London Gazette

Previous Editions:
2018 2017


Special Edition for Medals and Awards Given from 2014-2019


II (Anglo-German) Corps


Brigadier Paul Harris (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Knight Commander Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Plaque
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Commandeur
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder
Army Gold Cross 1806-14
Army Gold Medal 1806-14
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
British Waterloo Medal


2nd Lieutenant Steve Jones (See Officer in OOB)
Meritorious Service Medal


Field Marshal Antony Barlow, 1st Earl of Norfolk (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Collar
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Grand Cross Star
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Grand Cross Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Knight Commander Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Militaire Willems-Orde Grootkruis Sjerp
Militaire Willems-Orde Grootkruis Plaque
Militaire Willems-Orde Commandeur
Militaire Willems-Orde 3. Klasse
Militaire Willems-Orde 4. Klasse
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Sjerp
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Plaque
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Commandeur
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder
Emblema da Cruz Grandiosa da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Estrela do Oficial Grandioso da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Emblema do Oficial Grandioso da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Oficial Primera Classe da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Army Gold Cross 1806-14
Army Gold Medal 1806-14
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 (2017)
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Mentioned in Dispatches (2017)
Cruz de Distinción de la Fuga de Zapadores


Brigadier Thomas Borling, 1st Baron of Argyll (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Knight Commander Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder
Army Gold Medal 1806-14
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 (2016)
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Mentioned in Dispatches (2016)


Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Armenta (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Army Gold Cross 1806-14
Army Gold Medal 1806-14
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
RMA Medal
Master of Europe (MOE) VI Participation Medallion


Colonel Bill Spitz, 1st Baron of Perth (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Knight Commander Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Commandeur
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder
Army Gold Cross 1806-14
Army Gold Medal 1806-14
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Cruz de Distinción de la Fuga de Zapadores


Field Marshal Sir Mark Nelms, 1st Duke of Gordon K.T. (See Officer in OOB)
Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle (KT)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Collar
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Grand Cross Star
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Grand Cross Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Knight Commander Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Militaire Willems-Orde Grootkruis Sjerp
Militaire Willems-Orde Grootkruis Plaque
Militaire Willems-Orde Commandeur
Militaire Willems-Orde 3. Klasse
Militaire Willems-Orde 4. Klasse
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Sjerp
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Plaque
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Commandeur
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder
Emblema da Cruz Grandiosa da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Estrela do Oficial Grandioso da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Emblema do Oficial Grandioso da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Oficial Primera Classe da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Army Gold Cross 1806-14
Army Gold Medal 1806-14
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 (2014)
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Mentioned in Dispatches (2014)
British Waterloo Medal
Marengo Challenge Tournament (2016) Participation Medal
Marengo Challenge Tournament (2016) Coalition Victory Medal


Major Peter Winship (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal


Major Tony Barrett (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal


Captain Scott Reed (See Officer in OOB)
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal


Brigadier Greg Hanbuch (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Knight Commander Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Hannoversche Waterloo-Medaille


Lieutenant Thomas Huberth (See Officer in OOB)
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal


Field Marshal Mike Friedman, 1st Landgraf von Saxe-Lauenburg (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Collar
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Grand Cross Star
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Grand Cross Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Knight Commander Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Militaire Willems-Orde Grootkruis Plaque
Militaire Willems-Orde Commandeur
Militaire Willems-Orde 3. Klasse
Militaire Willems-Orde 4. Klasse
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Sjerp
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Plaque
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Commandeur
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder
Oficial Primera Classe da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Army Gold Cross 1806-14
Army Gold Medal 1806-14
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Hannoversche Waterloo-Medaille
Mentioned in Dispatches (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)


Major Giuseppe Decano (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815

Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Mentioned in Dispatches (2016)
Hannoversche Waterloo-Medaille


Captain Philippe Divine (See Officer in OOB)
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal


Major Christian Arndt (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Hannoversche Waterloo-Medaille


Major General Thomas David Phillips, 1st Graf von Lüneburg (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Knight Commander Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Commandeur
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder
Army Gold Medal 1806-14
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 (2018)
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Mentioned in Dispatches (2018)


Field Marshal Sir Andrew Moss, 1st Duke of Wellington K.T. (See Officer in OOB)
Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle (KT)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Collar
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Grand Cross Star
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Grand Cross Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Knight Commander Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Militaire Willems-Orde Grootkruis Sjerp
Militaire Willems-Orde Grootkruis Plaque
Militaire Willems-Orde Commandeur
Militaire Willems-Orde 3. Klasse
Militaire Willems-Orde 4. Klasse
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Sjerp
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Plaque
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Commandeur
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder
Orden des Herzogs Friedrich August von Braunschweig-Oels Ehrenkette
Königlicher Guelphen-Orden Kommandeur Groß Kreuz Collar
Königlicher Guelphen-Orden Kommandeur Groß Stern
Königlicher Guelphen-Orden Kommandeur Groß Badge
Königlicher Guelphen-Orden Ritter Kommandeur Stern
Königlicher Guelphen-Orden Ritter Kommandeur Badge
Königlicher Guelphen-Orden Ritter
Orden Heinrichs des Löwen Groß Kreuz Collar
Orden Heinrichs des Löwen Groß Kreuz Stern
Orden Heinrichs des Löwen Groß Kreuz Badge
Orden Heinrichs des Löwen Kommandeur
Orden Heinrichs des Löwen Ritter Kommandeur
Orden Heinrichs des Löwen Ritter 2. Klasse
Estrela da Cruz Grandiosa da Ordem Militar de Nossa Senhora da Villa Vicosa
Emblema do Commandante da Ordem Militar de Nossa Senhora da Villa Vicosa
Emblema do Cavaleiro da Ordem Militar de Nossa Senhora da Villa Vicosa
Estrela da Cruz Grandiosa da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Emblema da Cruz Grandiosa da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Estrela do Oficial Grandioso da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Emblema do Oficial Grandioso da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Oficial Primera Classe da Ordem Militar de Cristo
Army Gold Cross 1806-14
Army Gold Medal 1806-14
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Mentioned in Dispatches (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
British Waterloo Medal
Cruz de Distinción de la Batalla de Talavera de la Reina
Cruz de Distinción del Segundo Ejército
Cruz de Distinción de la Fuga de Portugal
Cruz de Distinción de la Fuga de Zapadores
Allgemeine Verdienstmedaille (General Service Medal) (Prussian Army)
Marengo Challenge Tournament (2016) Participation Medal
Marengo Challenge Tournament (2016) Coalition Victory Medal
Master of Europe (MOE) V Participation Medallion


Major Jeff Rossbach (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion Meritorious Service Medal


Field Marshal Zafer Ejder, 1st Markgraf von Braunschweig (See Officer in OOB)
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Collar
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Grand Cross Star
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Grand Cross Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Knight Commander Badge
Order of Saint Michael and Saint George Type I Companion
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Sjerp
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Grootkruis Plaque
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Commandeur
Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Ridder
Army Gold Cross 1806-14
Army Gold Medal 1806-14
Braunschweigische Militärverdienstmedaille 1815
Military General Service Medal 1793-1814 (2014, 2015, 2016, 2018)
Long Service & Good Conduct Medal
Distinguished Conduct Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Braunschweigische Waterloo-Medaille
Mentioned in Dispatches (2014, 2015, 2016, 2018)
Master of Europe (MOE) VI Participation Medallion

Site Designed & Maintained by Scott Ludwig & Walt Moehle (Coalition Army Webmasters)

© 2014-Present

Last Updated: November 25, 2019 10:13 PM