Serment de l'armée Fait à l'Empereur Après la Distribution des Aigles, 5 Décembre 1804 (The Army takes an Oath to the Emperor after the Distribution of Eagles, 5 December 1804) - Jacques-Louis David

Tâches d'officier de la Grande Armée - Grande Armée Officer Duties

Part of Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)






Jean Lannes, Duc de Montebello

Corps Commander (CC) Duties



1) Oversee and insure the quarterly Corps Muster and report the result to the CiC. He also keeps a copy of each Corps Muster Report.
1a) On the 1st of the 1st month of each quarter(January, April, July, October), but no later than the 5th, the CC will go the État-Major Général forum section and will open a Muster Call thread for his corps. A clear naming pattern is mandatory, stating corps designation - Year - Quarter.
1b) If a DC or the CCoS has not made his first Muster Call by the 10th of the 1st month(January, April, July, October) immediately remediate the situation with him.
1c) Take over all of the muster duties of any DC or the CCoS if he has gone OOC or otherwise being unable to perform.
1d) If a DC or the CCoS has not made his MuWster Report by the end of the 2nd month(February, May, August, November) immediately remediate the situation with him.
1e) The CC will make a special attempt to contact by e-mail all officers who failed 2 consecutive musters and advise each about this fact and that they are eligible to be transferred to the Grand Parc d'Artillerie unless they muster before the next quarter begins. This contact attempt should be made as soon as the CC is aware of the situation to make sure the officer is given enough time for a reply.
1f) The CC will advise the CiC in his Corps Muster report when an officer has become eligible for assignment to the Grand Parc d'Artillerie.
1g) No later than the 15th of the last month(March, June, September, December), report the result of the Corps Muster to the CiC. This has to include the CCs own Muster Report.
1h) Should any officer muster afterwards, this is immediately to be forwarded to the CiC and the recorded Corps Muster Report has to be adjusted.

2) The CC maintains a Corps Status Report, this includes but not concludes such things as Position, OBD & Victory Points, Awards, Nobility titles, Rank and Email Addresses of all assigned officers including himself.
2a) No later than the 10th of each month submit a Corps Status Report Update to the CiC noting the following items:
2b) A brief but complete summary outlining the current status of the corps and pointing out all things of matter & concern, this includes general corps items but also officer specific items that can play a role in the officers handling like health, occupation, problems, etc..
2c) A list of the assigned officers, including the CC himself, that are eligible for promotion.
2d) A list of the assigned officers, including the CC himself, that are eligible for an award from the "Awards for Victories over Coalition forces" section.

3) Take responsibility for the morale and effectiveness of the corps
3a) Send a Welcome Letter to each newly assigned officer to ensure that the officer integrates without problems.
3b) Support all officers of the corps with any club or game concerns or forward their matters to a superior officer for further handling.
3c) Monitor the activities of all officers within the corps, paying particular attention to those officers whose activities have ceased for longer or those officers who appear to be having difficulties of any kind, and bringing such to the attention of the CiC.
3d) Make recommendations for eligible officers to DC positions and the CCoS position based on an officers muster performance & club activity, also in regards to his understanding of the administrative & gaming aspect of the club. This also includes recommending officers that the CC deems as a talent that could be employed outside of the corps.
3e) Ensures that the corps performance is not negatively impacted by himself, the CCoS or any DC. If such happens the CC should take steps to raise the performance again, if that fails the CiC is to inform for further handling of the matter.

4) Assist the CiC with any additional reports or duties as may be required, and make recommendations for improvement in army operation as may be deemed appropriate.




Nicolas-Joseph Maison

Corps Chief of Staff (CCoS) Duties



1) Conduct the quarterly Corps none-divisional Muster and report the results to the CC.
1a) On the 1st of the 1st month of each quarter(January, April, July, October) send out a Muster Call e-mail to each officer within the corps none-divisional formations directing them to make a Muster Report, either by posting in the État-Major Général forum section within the proper corps Muster Call thread or by a reply to the Muster Call e-mail, before the 15th of the 2nd month(February, May, August, November). Copy(BCC) the CC on this first Muster Call.
1b) Send out a second Muster Call if needed on the 1st of the 2nd month(February, May, August, November), reminding those officers who have not yet made a Muster Report(either by mail or by forum) that such will be due no later than the last day the 2nd month(February, May, August, November). Copy(BCC) the CC on this second Muster Call.
1c) No later than the last day of the 2nd month(February, May, August, November), report the result of the Corps none-divisional Muster to the CC. This has to include the CCoSs own Muster Report.
1d) Should any officer muster afterwards, this is immediately to be forwarded to the CC and the recorded Corps none-divisional Muster Report has to be adjusted.

2) Take direct, primary responsibility for the reception and patronage of all officers not assigned to a division in the corps.
2a) Welcome new officers not assigned to a division in the corps.
2b) Support all officers not assigned to a division in the corps with any club or game concerns or forward their matters to a superior officer for further handling.

3) Assist the CC with any additional reports or duties as may be required, and make recommendations for improvement in army operation as may be deemed appropriate.

4) Act as second-in-command and take over all CC duties in case of him going OOC or otherwise being unable to perform.




Dominique Vandamme, Comte d’Unsebourg

Division Commander (DC) Duties



1) Conduct the quarterly Division Muster and report the results to the CC.
1a) On the 1st of the 1st month of each quarter(January, April, July, October) send out a Muster Call e-mail to each officer within the division directing them to make a Muster Report, either by posting in the État-Major Général forum section within the proper corps Muster Call thread or by a reply to the Muster Call e-mail, before the 15th of the 2nd month(February, May, August, November). Copy(BCC) the CC on this first Muster Call.
1b) Send out a second Muster Call if needed on the 1st of the 2nd month(February, May, August, November), reminding those officers who have not yet made a Muster Report(either by mail or by forum) that such will be due no later than the last day the 2nd month(February, May, August, November). Copy(BCC) the CC on this second Muster Call.
1c) No later than the last day of the 2nd month(February, May, August, November), report the result of the Division Muster to the CC. This has to include the DCs own Muster Report.
1d) Should any officer muster afterwards, this is immediately to be forwarded to the CC and the recorded Division Muster Report has to be adjusted.

2) Take direct, primary responsibility for the reception and patronage of all officers assigned to the division.
2a) Welcome new officers to the division.
2b) Support all officers of the division with any club or game concerns or forward their matters to a superior officer for further handling.

3) Assist the CC with any additional reports or duties as may be required, and make recommendations for improvement in army operation as may be deemed appropriate.



Charles Lefèbvre-Desnoëttes

Regiment/Battalion/Squadron/Company Officer Duties



1) Upon receipt of the Muster Call e-mail and before the 15th of the 2nd month of each quarter(February, May, August, November) make Muster Report, either by posting in the État-Major Général forum section within the proper corps Muster Call thread or by a reply to the Muster Call e-mail.




Pierre Antoine Noël Bruno, Comte Daru

Grand Quartier-Général Impérial Officer Duties



1) Upon receipt of the Muster Call e-mail and before the 15th of the 2nd month of each quarter(February, May, August, November) make a Muster Report, either by posting in the État-Major Général forum section within the Grand Quartier Général Impérial Muster Call thread or by a reply to the Muster Call e-mail. (NOTE: The above duties apply to all officers on the Grand Quartier Général Impérial unless there are separately listed duties for their position.)



Jacques Nicolas Bellavène

Commander Military School (CMS) Duties



1) Upon receipt of the Muster Call e-mail and before the 15th of the 2nd month of each quarter(February, May, August, November), make either a Muster Report in État-Major Général forum section within the Grand Quartier Général Impérial Muster Call thread, or make a reply to the muster E-mail.

2) The CMS maintains a Status Report, this includes but not concludes such things as current Trainer pool with Email Addresses and the games they are able to train in, current Cadets in training and the Trainers they are assigned to, the status of each Cadets training progress noting the start of training as well as the phase he is currently in, Email Addresses of all assigned Cadets and the games they own.
2a) No later than the 10th of each month submit a Status Report Update to the CiC noting the following items:
2b) A brief but complete summary outlining the current status of the Military School and pointing out all things of matter & concern, this includes general items but also Cadet specific items that can play a role in the progress of the Cadets training like health, occupation, problems, etc..

3) Take responsibility for the morale and effectiveness of the Military School.
3a) Recruiting and maintaining a pool of Trainers to cover all supported games. This includes the responsibility for conducting inquiries of all Grande Armée officers considered as potential trainers.
3b) Support all Trainers & Cadets with any concerns or forward their matters to a GiC for further handling.
3c) Process the set L'École Spéciale Impériale Militaire Training Procedure for each Cadet.
3d) Monitor the progress of training of all Cadets of the Military School, paying particular attention to those whose progress has stalled and determine the cause of this, and bringing this to the attention of the CiC.
3e) Ensures that the Military School performance is not negatively impacted by himself or any Trainer. If such happens the CMS should take steps to raise the performance again, if that fails the CiC is to inform for further handling of the matter.

4) Assist the CiC with any additional reports or duties as may be required, and make recommendations for improvement in Military School operation as may be deemed appropriate.



Henri-Gatien Bertrand

Chief Engineer (CE) Duties



1) Upon receipt of the Muster Call e-mail and before the 15th of the 2nd month of the quarter(February, May, August, November), make a Muster Report, either by posting in the État-Major Général forum section within the Grand Quartier Général Impérial Muster Call thread or by a reply to the Muster Call e-mail.

2) The CE is responsible for the creation and maintenance of all the webpages related to the Grande Armée, such work performed under the direction and supervision of the CiC. The CE is directly responsible for the following:
2a) Makes additions, deletions or changes to the displayed OOB as assignments of officers occur, preferably as soon as possible but at least once a month.
2b) Makes regular updates to the displayed ranks, nobility titles and awards, preferably as soon as possible but at least once a month.
2c) Maintains and safeguards all of the Grande Armée webpages and all for these used files as insurance against unexpected loss.

3) Makes recommendations and suggestions for the improved quality and enhancement of the Grande Armée webpages as appropriate.

4) Educates, familiarizes and instructs officers assigned as his assistants in the operation and maintenance of the Grande Armée webpages.



Charles-Étienne-François Ruty

Grand Parc d'Artillerie Officer Duties



1) Upon receipt of the Muster Call e-mail and before the 15th of the 2nd month of the quarter(February, May, August, November) make a Muster Report, either by posting in the État-Major Général forum section within the Grand Parc d'Artillerie Muster Call thread or by a reply to the Muster Call e-mail.



All the here listed officer duties are to comply with the rules of the Napoleonic Wargame Club and are adapted to the structure of the French side.

Especially the muster duties for each officer are to comply with club rules "2.1 Regular Members". Just like the command & administrative tasks are to comply with club rules found in the "Section 3.0 Organization" and all the listed sub-points.

The needs for command & administrative tasks and the demand that these are duly performed are to ensure that an organization like the Grande Armée is kept in fighting conditions and that its high Esprit de Corps is maintained at all times. This is not only to the benefit of its members but the whole Napoleonic Wargame Club.



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Last Updated: February 9, 2023 10:08 AM

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