Campaign 2011 Tournament
a Tribute to Austerlitz.

French British Dutch Prussia Russia Austria

Tournament co-ordinators:
Allied coalition: Luitenant-Generaal Marco Bijl / French: Marechal Chuck Jensen

Click here for the rules & regulations.

Army points as per date (French/Allied):



Winner of the Tournament: Allied coalition

Tournament is CLOSED for applicants. Tournament is finished 12-7-2011.

Playing team #1 -  HPS Austerlitz: #22H Historical Austerlitz: 1.
Marechal J. Mitchell
IV corps


Field Marchal E. Blackburn
II Corps
Result: 2 Victories for the Allied coalition (4 points earned for the Allies)

Playing team #2 -  HPS Austerlitz: #22H Historical Austerlitz: 1.
Colonel P. Russo
I corps


Lt M. Jones
Hanover brigade
Result: 2 Victories for the Allied coalition (4 points earned for the Allies)

Playing team #3 -  HPS Austerlitz: #22H Historical Austerlitz: 1.
Marechal P. Palomo
IV corps


Field Marchal E. Blackburn
II Corps
Result: 2 Victories for the French (4 points earned for the French)

Playing team #4 -  HPS Austerlitz: #22H Historical Austerlitz: 1.
GdD D. Earls
I corps


Vaandrig V. Maddis
I corps
Result: 2 draws (2 points for the Allies and 2 for the French)

Playing team #5 -  HPS Austerlitz: #M15-22H Historical Austerlitz: 2
Lt M. Haley
V corps


Vaandrig V. Maddis
I corps
Result: 1 Victory for the Allied coalition and 1 draw (3 points earned for the Allies, 1 for the French)

Playing team #6 -  HPS Austerlitz: #M15-22H Historical Austerlitz: 2
Gen. M. Oakford
Cav Reserve


Lt-Gen M. Bijl
Anglo Allied army
Result: 2 Victories for the Allied coalition (4 points earned for the Allies)

Playing team #7 -  HPS Austerlitz: #M15-22H Historical Austerlitz: 2
Colonel P. Pratt
I corps


Vaandrig E.R. Bijl
I corps
Result: 2 Victories for the Allied coalition (4 points earned for the Allies)

Playing team #8 -  HPS Austerlitz: Campaign Game Austerlitz: 3
Colonel T. Simmons
I corps


2nd Lt P. Jonsson
I corps
Result: 2 victories for the French; (4 points earned for the French)

Playing team #9 -  NiR: #06 Historical Borodino 4.
Colonel P. Russo
I corps


Lt C. Dewar
II Corps
Result: 2 Victories for the Allied coalition (4 points earned for the Allies)

Playing team #10 -  NiR: #06 Historical Borodino 4.
GdB R. Dodge
III corps


Lt-Col. R. White
II Corps
Result: 1 Victory for the Allied coalition and 1 draw (3 points earned for the Allies, 1 for the French)

Playing team #11 -  NiR: #06 Historical Borodino: 4.
Marechal J. Thayer
III corps


Majoor G. Oleander
I corps
Result: 2 Victories for the French (4 points earned for the French)

Playing team #12 -  : Wagram: #03A3 Aspern-Essling:7.
Marechal J. Bardon
IV corps


Field Marchal J. Hall
I corps
Result: 2 Victories for the French (4 points earned for the French)

Playing team #13 -  Wagram: #OTV02 Linz: 8.
Colonel C. Boucheron
I corps


Majoor G. Olender
I corps
Result: 2 victories for the French; (4 points earned for the French)

Playing team #14 -  Wagram: #OTV02 Linz: 8
Lt. F. Morehouse
IV corps


Vaandrig E.R. Bijl
I corps
Result: 2 Victories for the Allied coalition (4 points earned for the Allies)

Playing team #15 -  Wagram: #OTV02 Linz: 8.
Captain K. Miller
V corps


Ensign T. Phillips
Hanover brigade
Result: 2 Victories for the French (4 points earned for the French)

Playing team #16 -  NRC: First Battle of Polotsk: 10.
Lt J. Foster
Cavalry Reserve


Lt M. Jones
Hanover brigade
Result: 2 Victories for the Allied coalition (4 points earned for the Allies)

Playing team #17 -  NRC: First Battle of Polotsk: 10.
Col S. Dodson
I corps


Majoor M. Roggeveen
I corps
Result: two victories for the French; (4 points earned for the French)

Playing team #18 - NRC: First Battle of Saltanovska 11 .
Col. B. Kimball
I corps


Capt. B. Remeta
I corps
Result: 2 Victories for the Allied coalition (4 points earned for the Allies)

Playing team #19 - HPS Austerlitz: Campaign Game 3 .
Lt. R. Purcell
V corps


Major. J. McDonald
III corps
Result: 1 victory for the Allies (2 points for the Allies)

Playing team #20 - HPS Austerlitz: Campaign Game 3 .
Col. A. Ozols
I corps


Major. J. McDonald
III corps
Results: 2 Victories for the Allied coalition (4 points earned for the Allies)

Playing team #21 - NiR: #06 Historical Borodino: 4 .
Lt. F. Ribeyron
III corps


Lt. R. Caldwell
Prussian Staff
Result: 1 Victory for the French and one draw (3 points earned for the French, 1 for the Allies)

Playing team #22 - Wagram: #OTV02 Linz 8 .
Marechall B. Hall
IV corps


Generalmajor O. Kreuels
I corps
Result: 1 Victory for the French (2 points earned for the French)

Playing team #23 - HPS Austerlitz: Campaign Game Austerlitz: 3 .
Marechall C. Jensen
French Army


Russia Field Marchall Jeka
IV Cav
Result: 2 Victories for the French (4 points earned for the French)

Playing team #24 - HPS Austerlitz: #22H Historical Austerlitz: 1 .
Col. T. Simmons
I corps


Russia Podpolkovnik B. Cann
IV Cav
Result: 1 Victory for the Allied coalition & 1 draw (3 points earned for the Allies, 1 for the French)

Rules & regulations:
This is a tournament between the French and the Allied coalition armies on the other side (Anglo-Allied, Prussian, Russian and Austrian). The tournament will finally decide which side (French or Allied coaltion) fields the best officers!

The games and points.
Individual players from the French Army will play individual opponents from the Allied coalition armies. The match will consist of mirror games of the scenario chosen from the tournament list. Both games need to be played simultaneously. The winner of each battle will receive 2 points; 1 point for a draw. As two games are played a maximum of 4 points can be earned within each playing team. The results to be recorded with the tournament coordinators. The side, French or Allied coalition, with the most points at the deadline wins the tournament. So, within this tournament we will not identify the best officers, we will identify the best army!
No move sent within 3 weeks without having an excused leave, forfeits. And no move sent within 5 weeks, even with an excused leave forfeits. Forfeits for whatever reason will be treated as victories for the purpose of points.

The default rules of the tournament are the MOEIV rules. However, any rules, optional rules, and/or house rules can be played as agreed upon by both opponents. There needs to be an email that states the rule agreement, and shows both parties as confirming their agreement, and is kept for the record to avoid any confusion. The tournament recommends that the simpler the better.

Time frame.
When does the tournament finish? The closing term will be the 1st of July 2011. At 23.56 we will identify the best army in the NWC club. If your game results are not received by that time your army will not thank you for that. Because your points will not be added to the army total.

Tournament awards?
Of course, you can simply open en close games under NWC as you usual do.
And there is more!

1) Every participating officer of the winning army receives an additional 30 game points! This to be added by the army commanders.
2) Every officer that wins a game gets a special tournament medal! To be placed on his army records page by his army commander. This alone will make sure that not one officer will miss this tournament. This is it:

Scenarios and engines.
The tournament is limited to the following scenarios.
These are the battles from which you can select.
You will be matched with an opponent who chooses the same scenario as you do.

HPS Austerlitz (we play with vs 1.01).

Austerlitz is a well balanced game with unlimited possible variations. The first hours of fog in historical Austerlitz are a challenge as it can take a while to determine your opponents intentions. In the campaign game there are a number of alternative deployments which means about 35 possible different starts for the historical battle, a guessing game as one tries to match the right deployment against the expected opposing deployment. The scenarios offered are the historical deployment Austerlitz in both a version where the turns represent 10 minutes, and a version where the turns represent 15 minutes. The difference between the two is faster movement rates in the 15 minute version. This leads to the 10 minute version being a more subtle, slower, feeling out and battle development. The 15 minute version leads to a faster clash and earlier general engagement. The campaign game starts through the campaign game program. You need to open the Campaign game, select Austerlitz Battle, head to head, and make choices of deployment. Once the battle has been started, the file can be accessed through the Main Program. After the opening move, only the .bte file is needed. You will need to manually activate the encryption.

  • #22H Historical Austerlitz: 10 minute turns; 66 turns.
  • #M15-22H Historical Austerlitz: 15 minute turns; 44 turns
  • Campaign Game Austerlitz: Choice of variable deployments for each side; 10 minute turns; 66 turns

  • The Battleground "NIR" engine (we play with vs 1.03).

  • #06 Historical Borodino: Guaranteed releases; 48 turns
  • #07 Kutosov Turns to Fight: Battle of Borodino with no fixed units; 48 turns.
  • #08 Best Laid Plans: Battle of Borodino with variable releases; 44 turns

  • The HPS Napoleon's Russian Campaign engine (we play with vs 1.06).

  • #SB_polotskl1stdat.scn First Battle of Polotsk:: medium size battle; 44 turns
  • #SB_saltanovska.scn Battle of Saltanovska: small size battle; 36 turns

  • The HPS Wagram engine (we play with vs 1.08).

  • #03A3 Aspern-Essling: Balanced variation of battle with both sides being reinforced over the course of the day; 81 turns
  • #OTV02 Linz: Historical Battle of 40 turns; for those looking for a shorter, easier to complete battle.
  • #OTV05 Znaim: Historical Battle; 60 turns

  • Page designed by Maj Gen Antony Barlow
    and used without permission by Luitenant-Generaal Marco Bijl