- Dedicated to Napoleonic Wargaming and the Memory of Our Members -
Member Memorial
The Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC) wishes to remember the following members & friends who have passed on from this life:
La Grande Armée |
Sam Dodson Armando Russo Warren Bajan Juergen Massion Dirk Smith (Obituary) Serge Hebrant
Nico Zeeland Richard Asher Danny Canavan (Forum Notice) Steve Kitchen (Forum Notice) (Obituary) (Army Record) Tom Phillips (Forum Notice) (Obituary) (Army Record) |
Österreichisches Imperiales Armeekorps (Imperial Austrian Army Corps) |
Königlich-Preußisches Armee-Korps (Royal Prussian Army Corps ) |
Celamanka "Cela" Noftz (Forum Notice) (Austrian Armee Record) (Obituary) |
Jerry Butley Bill Braddock Bill Drakert
Svenska Armékår (Swedish Army Corps) | |
Lars Wistedt
© 1998-present Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC)
Last Updated: December 8, 2024 9:05 AM