grenade grenade

Designer Notes for AdvNaps Package

by Colonel Al Amos
Ier Corps de Réserve de Cavalerie (Vae Victis!)
Armée du Nord

  1. Introduction
  2. OOB File Changes
  3. PDT File Changes
  4. 4.0. Net Effect
  5. 5.0. Design Philosophy

1. Introduction

This document is intended to introduce you to all the new frills and fluff I've added. I consider this Package as a group effort and a work in progress. Any comments or suggestions are warmly welcomed.

2. OOB File Changes

2.1. Introduction

I have made many substantial changes to the Order of Battle (oob) file used in Eckumhl. You can use this one without it affecting any of your other files or ongoing games. Although I view this as a work in progress, I will not be doing a restructuring of the OOB file, unless found to be terribly flawed, as this will disrupt any scenarios created from this oob file and consequently any ongoing games. I will be updating the file to include any spelling or word usage corrections or to add names.

2.2. Language Usage.

I have gone through the two armies and attempted to change all names, ranks and unit designations seen in the UNIT BOX to the native language of the combatant to add a bit more flavor to the game. Please feel free to contact me about any misspellings or inappropriate word usage.

2.3. New Formations and Units

2.3.1. Background Information.

The flexibility the oob file that John developed has not been fully exploited. In my opinion, more historically accurate OOB's can be created yielding more dynamic and entertaining battles. There are 5 levels where formations or units can be placed. Up to this point designers have stuck to a rigid interpretation as to which level in the oob file refers to which historical formation level. I am breaking from this tradition. This will allow players to use their battalions, squadrons, regiments, brigades and even corps in a manner, which will feel like the battle narratives we read.

2.3.2. The Formations and Units Etat-Major

I have used this title for army, corps, division and brigade staffs in the French Army. This is the headquarters unit, minus the admin people. (We really must do staff paperwork wars someday?) The Chief-of-Staff (COS) commands this group and if the commander of the formation to which this group is attached goes down, then the COS will take over. Included in this group are Gendarmes, partie secrète and Officiers d'Ordonnance. All three are Light Cavalry types armed with Swords. The Gendarmes are military police can be used to protect the Commander (Corps, Division) or the trains. The partie secrète are spies used at Corps and Army level for long-range scouting. The Officiers d'Ordonnance (Od'O) were riders used to dispatch messages, protect the commander or do local scouting duties. French brigades only get the Od'O. Austrian staffs are labeled differently, stabsoffiziere, and they did not provide brigade level staffs! The more ambitious of you can formulate courier rules for multi-player use and use these guys to send communiqués to each other. Artillery, Engineers, and other Specialists Artillery. - I have broken all the artillery down into 2- or 3-gun sections. You will be able to stack a full battery in a hex but not much else. By breaking down the artillery, I have enabled the player to be more flexible with the use of his artillery and more encumbered by it. Engineers, Pontoniers, Sappers, etc.- I have included these specialists in the game for future use. I hope that when John sees we are prepared to have engineering capabilities, he will implement them in the engine. Until then consider them elite shock troops or line- of-communications guards.

2.4. Cavalry

I have broken all the cavalry regiments into their component squadrons. This will allow players to use their cavalry more historically. Cavalry will still be allowed to breakdown into 4 equal parts. This was the general sub- squadron breakdown for most armies. Scouting patrols can be more readily sent now allowing the players to find out information without using up all their cavalry. Regiments will have a leader attached, also.

2.5. Leader Additions.

By using the oob file to its fullest, I have been able to add Regimental and, in some cases, Battalion Commanders to the army rolls. The effect this will have on the game will be covered in section 4. Net Effect.
2.5.1. Names.

I have found several sources that give me Regimental and Battalion Commanders' names and ranks. Unfortunately, I do not have complete information. In those cases where I do not know the name and rank of the individual, I have used an appropriate level rank only. For example:
An unknown Austrian Regimental Commander would be listed as Oberst.
An unknown Chief of Staff for a French Division would be listed as either a Général de Brigade or a Colonel or even a chef de battalion, depending upon circumstantial evidence (i.e. all the other divisions in the corps have chefs de battalion.) Anyone who has sources or wishes to research any of the gaps in my leader names will be hailed a hero! (Providing you share the information of course.)

2.5.2. Leader Pictures

I have selected a few leaders to pose as a multitude of officers, please forgive my laziness. My desire would be to eventually add a few nice looking pictures of Majors, Colonels, etc for generic use.

3. PDT File Changes

3.1. Introduction

It would be easier to list what hasn't been changed, but not as helpful as to list what has and give some reasons why.

If I made an overall statement about the changes, I would want to point out that our ground scale is 100 yds to the hex, about 18 of them makes a mile. Most sources of the time give measurements in miles, kilometers, meters, toises, feet, paces and leagues. It can be confusing at times. The below range information has been taken from its original and converted over to our scale.

The movement rates are geared so that units marching for 4 turns (1 hour) would go at the rate most writers of the day give as the calculated rate Generals used when planning marches.

Visibility has been cut down to 1 and ½ miles. Artillery ranges have been altered although you will find, in general, any shot over 1,000 yards to be a waste of time. To prevent the computer from wasting you ammo supplies, set your ADF to not fire at long range.

The changes below increase the command span of Brigade and Divisional Leaders to ¼ mile and ½ mile respectively. Extended line stacking has been reduced to reflect the number of files you can put across a hex at 22" intervals (163) rounded off with three lines of men in each file give you 480 men for 3-rank troops. I plan on getting into the habit of not over deploying troops when I go into line. Yes that makes my troops more vulnerable to enemy cavalry and harder to move around, but I think there should a trade-off to get the increased firepower of a unit in line.

Musket fire from an infantry column for the Austrians is now divided by 6. This shows that the column is only one company wide (battalionmasse), which was the preferred column formation of the majority of the battalion commanders.

Cavalry can break into 4 sub groups to reflect the sub-squadron units found in most countries. Infantry can break into 6 for skirmishing. (Approximately 1 company per skirmish unit).

The cost of changing formation is 'hard-coded' into the program and is ½ of the Movement Points allotted in the PDT file for each type of unit. Facing costs have been reduced.

On average an army will be able to cross open country at about 1 mile an hour and be in battle formation. Villages, rough, and orchards will slow that pace by about 25%, and woods and marshes will reduce movement by about 50%.

Linear obstacles for line and column are about the same since a line crosses quickly but has to stop and dress ranks, where as a column doesn't have to do that but has many more ranks crossing the obstacle thus slowing it down.

Wagons are nearly road-bound (or trail/path bound). This will force players to keep road nets in their control. Infantry units will march off to fight and have to be pulled back to get to their ammo wagons, in areas where roads and trails are scarce.

Combat modifiers have been simplified. I used 25% or 50% as my modifiers. This makes it easier on players to calculate things in their head and allows them to have a fairly good guess as to what kind of firepower they can count on going into a situation.

My overall intent is to give players reasons, in game terms, to seek battlefields that their real-life counterparts would look for.

3.2. General Data

Title: AdvNaps Parameter Data
First Side: French

3.3. Time Parameters

Dawn: 6:00 Dusk: 20:00
Day Turn: 15 minutes Night Turn: 60 minutes
Hours of Twilight: 7 Twilight Visibility: 27 hexes

3.4. Stacking Parameters

Max Stacking: 2000 men
Max Counters: 8
Strength Point: 25 men

3.5. Extended Line Values

2-Line Infantry: 320 men
3-Line Infantry: 480 men
Artillery: 8 guns

3.6. Command Distances

3.6.1. Austrian

Brigade: 4 hexes
Division: 9 hexes

3.6.2. French

Brigade: 4 hexes
Division: 9 hexes

3.7. Fatigue Parameters

Max Fatigue: 900
Day Recovery: 25%
Night Recovery: 75%

3.8. Movement Parameters

3.8.1. Movement Point Allowance

Infantry Allow: 24
Cavalry Allow: 24
Artillery Allow: 18
Supply Allow: 18

3.8.2. Line Infantry Movement Costs

(Editor's Note: In the movement-cost tables below, "Rail" is an anachronism. This terrain feature is not found on Napoleonic battlefields.)

Blocked: 0 Clear: 8 Water: 0 Forest: 18
Orchard: 12 Marsh: 18 Building: 12 Chateau: 0
Village: 12 Rough: 12 Field: 12 Path: 0
Road: 0 Pike: 0 Rail: 0 Stream: 4
Creek: 8 Hedge: 4 Wall: 4 Embank: 8
High: 0 Gate: 8 Fort: 12 Elevation: 2
3.8.3. Column Infantry Movement Costs
Blocked: 0 Clear: 6 Water: 0 Forest: 12
Orchard: 8 Marsh: 12 Building: 8 Chateau: 8
Village: 8 Rough: 8 Field: 6 Path: 4
Road: 3 Pike: 2 Rail: 2 Stream: 4
Creek: 8 Hedge: 4 Wall: 4 Embank: 12
High: 0 Gate: 4 Fort: 12 Elevation: 2
3.8.4. Cavalry Movement Costs
Blocked: 0 Clear: 4 Water: 0 Forest: 12
Orchard: 8Marsh: 12Building: 6 Chateau: 0
Village: 6 Rough: 8Field: 4Path: 3
Road: 2 Pike: 2 Rail: 2 Stream: 3
Creek: 6 Hedge: 4 Wall: 4 Embank: 12
High: 0 Gate: 8 Fort: 12 Elevation: 2
3.8.5. Artillery Movement Costs
Blocked: 0 Clear: 6 Water: 0Forest: 0
Orchard: 9 Marsh: 0 Building: 6 Chateau: 0
Village: 9 Rough: 9 Field: 9 Path: 3
Road: 3 Pike: 2 Rail: 2 Stream: 12
Creek: 0Hedge: 6 Wall: 0 Embank: 0
High: 0 Gate: 6 Fort: 0 Elevation: 6
3.8.6. Supply Wagon Movement Costs
Blocked: 0 Clear: 6 Water: 0Forest: 0
Orchard: 18 Marsh: 0Building: 9Chateau: 0
Village: 9 Rough: 18 Field: 9Path: 3
Road: 3 Pike: 2 Rail: 2 Stream: 12
Creek: 0Hedge: 0Wall: 0 Embank: 0
High: 0 Gate: 6 Fort: 0 Elevation: 6
3.8.7. Facing Costs Change Facing Costs

Infantry: 2
Cavalry: 2
Artillery: 9 About Face Costs

Infantry: 2
Cavalry: 2
Artillery: 6 Rear Move:

All Units: 2

3.9. Ammo Loss

3.9.1. Austrian

Infantry: 4%
Artillery: 12%

3.9.2. French

Infantry: 4%
Artillery: 12%

3.10. Fire Modifiers

Enfiladed: 50%
Cavalry: 25%
Fanaticism Value: 1

3.11. Terrain Combat Modifiers

Blocked: 0% Clear: 0%Water: 0% Forest: -50%
Orchard: -25% Marsh: 0% Building: -25% Chateau: -50%
Village: -50%Rough: 0% Field: 0%Path: 0%
Road: 0%Pike: 0%Rail: 0%Stream: 0%
Creek: 0% Hedge: 0% Wall: -25% Embank: 0%
High: -50% Gate: -50% Fort: -50% Elevation: 0%

3.12. Leader Loss Values

3.12.1. Austrian
Fire Wound: 2% Fire Kill: 3%
Melee Wound: 3% Melee Kill: 4% Melee Capture: 5%
3.12.2. French
Fire Wound: 2% Fire Kill: 3%
Melee Wound: 3% Melee Kill: 4% Melee Capture: 5%

3.13. Height Values

Blocked: 0ft Clear: 0ft Water: 0ft Forest: 15ft
Orchard: 5ft Marsh: 0ft Building: 0ft Chateau: 10ft
Village: 10ft Rough: 0ft Field: 2ft Man: 2ft

3.14. Column Fire Modifier

Austrian: 1/6
French: 1/3

3.15. Artillery Resupply Values

Austrian: 50
French: 50

3.16. Weapon Data

3.16.1. Fr 12lb:

12 at 7 hexes
2 at 10 hexes
1 at 20 hexes

3.16.2. Fr 8/12lb:

8 at 6 hexes
2 at 9 hexes
1 at 16 hexes

3.16.3. Fr 6lb:

6 at 5 hexes
2 at 9 hexes
1 at 15 hexes

3.16.4. Aus 12lb:

12 at 3 hexes
2 at 11 hexes
1 at 17 hexes

3.16.5. Aus 6lb:

6 at 3 hexes
2 at 10 hexes
1 at 15 hexes

3.16.6. Fr 4lb:

4 at 4 hexes
2 at 8 hexes
1 at 13 hexes

3.16.7. Aus 3lb:

3 at 3 hexes
2 at 8 hexes
1 at 10 hexes

3.16.8. H (Light Howitzers):

7 at 3 hexes
2 at 8 hexes
1 at 13 hexes

3.16.9. I (Heavy Howitzers):

24 at 3 hexes
2 at 13 hexes

3.16.10. Musket:

6 at 1 hex
1 at 2 hexes

3.16.11. Rifle:

6 at 2 hexes
3 at 3 hexes

3.16.12. Militia:

3 at 1 hex
1 at 3 hexes

4.0 Net Effect

So what does all of this mean?

Regimental Commanders and commanders of Independent Battalions will function in the game as Brigade Commanders do now. Brigade Commanders will function as Divisional Commanders now do. This means that you will need to keep track of how far your Brigadier Generals are from your Colonels and your Colonels from their battalions and squadrons. Your Divisional, Corps and Army leaders will only be in the chain of command for passing down morale bonuses and rallying troops or personally leading attacks. In my opinion, this is historically accurate.

You will be able to detach a brigade for independent action without as much damage to the morale and fighting capabilities of your troops.

To a limited extent you will be able to create mission-oriented, combined-arms task forces. For example, an infantry brigade reinforced with a battery of guns and two squadrons of cavalry.

You will be able to scout and patrol with your cavalry.

By adding the extra layer to the command, we no longer need SUPERMEN in our battalions. Troop ratings can be adjusted downward and troops from the various armies can be rated equally, i.e. conscript line infantry with some training from any army can be rated a 3, while those with some experience a 4 and veterans 5, no matter what nationality. The structure of the army will then, possibly, add extra fighting prowess to your men. If your army is organized with several independent battalions per brigade (England) then you will get a bunch of officers, who can add to the morale bonus, melee bonus, etc. If you have an army with (1) 5-battalion infantry regiment in a brigade (France) you won't have a bunch of officers to help out.

Preserving your chain of command will have more of an impact on the fighting ability of your army. At the beginning of battles all armies will have a goodly supply of officers, so the men can carry on but as leaders fall or units wander out of command, then the wheels could fall off.

The big maps require scouting, but one of the principles of war is economy of force. These changes will allow you to do both. You will be able to detach a patrol from a cavalry squadron or send out some of the staff to take a look over that next hill. Currently you have to send a whole "squadron" or a "naked leader" to do that.

Movement rates have been reduced but combined arms forces moving along roads (not paths/trails) will still make about 2-3 miles an hour. Troops deployed in open ground will still make a mile an hour. Trains and artillery will be tied to the road net for long movement. This will give players clues as to where to look for the bad guys.

Artillery ranges, effective range, is never more than 900 yards. Visibility is only 2,700 yards (approximately 1.5 miles). Battles will be up close and personal and bloody. I have rated artillery canister ranges to be constant from muzzle-barrel to maximum canister range (300-600 yards).

Players will want to maneuver more than make frontal attacks, and there is a very real possibility of intercepting an opponents trains. It will make it harder to turn an army around to face the new direction of the threat, so players will want to keep active patrols.

Battle length will increase as players learn how to dance the dance with their opponents. Minor actions, scouting, rearguards, screening actions, fighting withdrawals will be more feasible with this set up. I think players will find their battles more involved, and therefore more enjoyable.

5.0 Design Philosophy

For the past thirty years I have wargamed Napoleonic battles. As the years went by the number of boardgames and miniatures accumulated, and the time to play with them lessened. Around 1998 or so I was introduced to TalonSoft's Battleground Gettysburg and Battleground Waterloo. It was instant love! Finally someone had found a means of combining the beauty of miniatures, the grand scale and complexity of boardgames in a convenient and easy to use, easy to store medium. I was thrilled, and saw endless opportunities.

In all of the various miniature clubs I belonged to, throughout the years, I was one of the guys who created the scenario, or made the campaign or set-up the terrain for the weekend's battle. I loved doing that. Now with John Tiller's new engine I can do much of that again, and this time it can be saved for endless re-use!

I approach my gaming as a study as well as a hobby. I want to find out why commanders did what they did, and why they didn't do other things they should have done. Through the vehicle of wargaming I have been able to put myself into situations where I do not have all the information and I find myself doing things that, in hindsight, were rather stupid, just like they did in real life.

By the way, I gamed mostly with Scott Bowden's Empire series of miniature rules until Clash of Arms released its From Valmy to Waterloo. I highly recommend the latter. I love the majesty and detail of the la Bataille boardgames from Clash of Arms, and am enthralled with Kevin Zucker's work on the strategic level: Napoleon at Bay: 1814, 1809, Bonaparte in Italy, Eagles turn East: 1807, and 1813.

This approach guides me in my game designing efforts. I feel that if a model can encompass the whole of the era involved then the resulting campaigns and battles will reflect the era, too.

Military men have always studied history and have developed theories upon which to guide them in fighting the next one. I look to those writers as well as the historical narratives, drill manuals, tables of organization as I create a scenario or campaign. The new engine allows me to modify the game to reflect my findings from this research.

I think by incorporating more of the various parts of an army, a staff at brigade or division level, for instance, giving the player a capability for scouting, allows the rest of the army to function as it historically did thereby increasing "realism" (whatever that is) and giving the players more options, decisions, dilemmas and reasons to throw things at their computers.

It is with the above in mind that I was led to create this optional package. I hope you all enjoy it.

*Note: Throughout this document I state that some of these new units are intended to protect leaders. This is why: Currently if a leader moves into a hex or changes facing in a hex with a unit and is within range and LOS of an enemy unit, he draws fire. Also there are times when to maximize the leader's command radius or to keep him from harm you don't want to stack him with a combat unit. This is very dangerous in the single-phase system. A leader by himself gets captured automatically if the enemy can enter the hex. However, if he is involved in a melee and even if the unit he is with is wiped out, he has only about a 5-10% chance of getting hurt, killed or captured. (As long as he is not surrounded he will bounce out of the meleed hex.) So, having these penny-packet units gives the leaders a chance to live to see another day.

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