Prussian Reserve Infantry, 1813

Prussian Reserve Infantry, 1813

Romanze Grossen Berbau
Eiserne Kreuz Eiserne Kreuz

Bekanntmachung den Königliche Preussichen Armee
Dispatches of the Prussian Army
January '02

(Prussian Army News)


The Prussian Army marked a milestone this month. After a long career leading the Prussian Army to victory and growth, Herr Feldmarschal Michael Wolf Gjerde is stepping down as Army Commander. He cites growing commitments at work and at home for this departure. His love of the Prussian Army remains, and he has promised that he will continue participating in the function of the Army as a Brigade Commander.

All his fellow officers are a little sad at this turn of events, especially we veterans who have been around for awhile. Herr Gjerde was among the founding members of the club, as well as one of the original officers of the Prussian Army. He has always supported the efforts of his officers in the growth and change of the Army as well as providing an example by leading from the front. The General has amassed an impressive run of victories over our French enemies.

Prussian Kurassier

However, the news is not all bad. Herr Gjerde has an immediate and worthy replacement in General der Kavallerie Herr Stefan Ritter von Reuter. Herr Reuter is well known to members of the Club, especially the French whom he has vanquished and trounced many times, rarely seeing defeat. He has been awarded some of the most coveted Orders and Decorations the Prussian Army has to offer.

For those who are not aware, the leader of the Prussian Army is always granted the rank of Feldmarschal despite the actual level of promotion or points. It is a reflection of our confidence and loyalty that this honorary rank is so awarded.

Thank you, General Gjerde for your long and dedicated service. May you continue to inspire all of our officers with your battlefield exploits. Congratulations Feldmarschal Reuter, may you lead the Prussian Army to even greater glory and renown.


Prussian 6-pounder

Our Promotion Dispatch was waylaid by a squadron French Dragoons. It will most certainly be included in the next newsletter. Apologies to deserving officers.

Verleihung von Auszeichnungen
(Presentation of Orders and Medals)

The Prussian Army has presented the following awards:

In grateful recognition of the dedicated and loyal service he has provided to the Prussian Army, the Allied Coalition as well as the NWC, the General Staff of the Prussian Army is pleased to present to General Michael Gjerde the Medaille für Untertanentreue or the Medal of Allegiance. Medaille fur Untertanentreue

Historically, the medal was originally awarded in 1794 by Friedrich Wilhelm and although it predates the years of conflict with Napoleon's France, members of the Prussian Army are thought to have owned it through those times. Hence, this medal is given to 'veterans' of the the Prussian Army in recognition of long and dedicated service.

Herr General Gjerde is the first to receive this award. Congratulations, Your Excellency.

By Royal Decree, the Prussian Army has initiated two additional awards for recognizing services to the Army, Coalition and Club off the battlefield. That is, for actions above and beyond the call of duty that promote the growth and well being of the Prussian Army and the Club as a whole.

The first is the Kriegsdenkmünze für Nichtkämpfer. Historically, this cast, blackened steel medal was award to non-combatants of the 1813, 1814 and 1815 campaigns. Those that received the award were surgeons, wagon drivers, civil servants and the like. The award was quite rare due to its limited scope.

Kriegsdenkmunze fur Nichtkampfer

The Feldmarschal will present these awards to those Prussian officers he deems to have made efforts and exploits off the battlefield and beyond the normal call of duty. Such contributions will be seen to promote the historical knowledge of the Prussian Army, encourage greated participation by its officers, enhance their enjoyment in the Army and in the club. Not more that three such awards will be made per quarter.

In one of his final acts as Feldmarschal, Herr Gjerde awards the following officers with the Kriegsdenkmünze für Nichtkämpfer: Andreas Naujoks, Stefan Reuter, and Robert Hamper. He states: "Without a doubt, the three most helpful officers I have ever served with! Thank you [Herr Generalmajor] for giving me three choices; one or two would have been much more difficult to decide." These officers all receive the 1813 version, as first-time awardees.

Similarily, the Prussian Army will recognize those officers of its Allies who likewise contribute to the growth of knowledge and enjoyment of club members through various means such as articles, modules, running tournaments and so forth. The Feldmarschal will select such worthy candidates from candidates suggested by other Allied Commanding Officers or by a selection of the Allgemeine Verdienstmedaille Feldmarschal's own choosing. Such a selection will be seconded by the Commendations Officer before affirmation of the award can be made. Winners will receive the Allgemeine Verdienstmedaille or General Service Medal. Only one such award per quarter will be made. The Allgemeine Verdienstmedaille was originally a civilian (non-military) award, hence the requirement for contributions off the battlefield. Although it was a Prussian Prussian Landwehr award, I cannot find any sources that says it wasn't awarded to foreign officials. It therefore seems the most appropriate award for our Allies and friends. The incarnation of the award that will be in use for this purpose came in gold (1810 to 1817) and in silver (1810-1814). Initial awardings to Coalition officers will therefore be in silver, while a subsequent awarding will be made in gold.

Herr Feldmarschal Gjerde awards the Allgemeine Verdienstmedaille or General Service Medal to Rubén Lopez of the Russian Army and Paul Harris of the Anglo-Allied Army in recognition of their fine service and dedication to the Club over the years.

Gemusterte Rekruten
(New Recruits)

Friedrich Wilhelm III

Lieutenant Bob Kraus will take over the Command of the famous 6. Ulanen.

The following are in training and will soon join our glorious army and contribute to its many victories.

1st Compagnie:

Für Korps und Vaterland!
Gott Schütze Armee und Vaterland!
Vorwärts meine Kinder!


Feldmarschal Michael Wolf Gjerde

Feldmarschal Stefan Ritter von Reuter

Generalmajor Rob Hamper
Acting Chief of Staff

Cannon Fever

I had heard so much about the cannon fever, that I wanted to know what kind of thing it was. Ennui, and a spirit which every kind of danger excites to daring, nay, even to rashness, induced me to ride up quite coolly to the outwork of La Lune. This was again occupied by our people; but it presented the wildest aspect. The roofs were shot to pieces, the corn-shocks scattered about, the bodies of men mortally wounded stretched upon them here and there, and occasionally a spent cannon-ball fell and rattled among the ruins of the tile roofs...
I had now arrived quite in the region where the balls were playing across me: the sound of them is curious enough, as if it were composed of the humming of tops, the gurgling of water, and the whistling of birds. They were less dangerous by reason of the wetness of the ground; wherever one fell, it stuck fast. And thus my foolish experimental ride was secured against the danger at least of the balls rebounding.
In the midst of these circumstances, I was soon able to remark that something unusual was taking place within me. I paid close attention to it, and still the sensation can be described only by similitude. It appeared as if you were in some extremely hot place, and, at the same time, quite penetrated by the heat of it, so that you feel yourself, as it were, quite one with the element in which you are. The eyes lose nothing of their strength or clearness; but it is as if the world had a kind of brown-red tint, which makes the situation, as well as the surrounding objects, more impressive. I was unable to perceive any agitation of the blood; but everything seemed rather to be swallowed up in the glow of which I speak. From this, then, it is clear in what sense this condition can be called a fever. It is remarkable, however, that the horrible uneasy feeling arising from it is produced in us solely through the ears. For the cannon thunder, the howling and crashing of the balls through the air, is the real cause of these sensations.
After I had ridden back and was in perfect security, I remarked, with surprise, that the glow was completely extinguished, and not the slightest feverish agitation was left behind. On the whole, this condition is one of the least desirable; as, indeed, among my dear and noble comrades, I found scarcely one who expressed a really passionate desire to try it.

Johann Wolgang von Goethe, Campagne in Frankreich, 1792. This noted military historian also wrote several works on natural history and dabbled in poetry, prose, and drama (Götz von Berlichingen, Die Leiden Des Jungen Werthers, Egmont, Faust...)

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