Bee Bee

Bulletins de l'Armée du Rhin

Bavarian Artillery

Marche du Maréchal de Saxe

Thanks to the ever-present Armée du Rhin Chief of Staff, Colonel Baron COUNSELMAN, the Armée’s administrative functions are working quite smoothly. One of the highlights of the Baron’s efficient reign as the preeminent administrator in the Grand Armée, is the Excel spreadsheet showing battle records and awards of Armée du Rhin commanders. That resource may be found here:

In a further stroke of efficiency, Baron Counselman was instrumental in moving Pierre’s Tavern to its new home accessible from the main NWC board:
Please see your corps commander for the password.

In addition, our order of battle has changed and continues to evolve. We have some new Divisional Commanders:

Bavarian General of Artillery

Our own Genius of Guiness, Kapitan of the Cannon, the Powerful Pen himself, GdB BARRETT de Brienne led a course at the War College, Why The Allies Must Lose at Waterloo and Why We Win, impressing many skeptics within the Grand Armée, including our intrepid Editor Général Bill PETERSON de Besançon who played the Allied hand in his MOE-honed [spectacularly losing? Ed.] style. For their efforts they were awarded the Ordre de la Couronne de Fer and an additional 5 points over the 5 normally associated with the award [in place of the proposed Order of the Plucked Chicken, for allowing themselves to hang in front of an audience with every fault exposed, twisting slowly in the breeze like executed felons on the gibbet! Ed.]. The brave count has taken his theory off the drawing board and is in the course of putting it to the test against one of Albion’s champions, Sir Muddy.

Barrett's Barrel

In addition, work is underway to rename the Ecole de Mars Library in de Brienne’s honor:
Bibliothèque de Guerre BARRETT de BRIENNE
(Where the librarians are all master brewers, distillers and vintners, and the reference desk maintains a fresh barrel of beer).

Armée du Rhin! Attention to orders:

Croix de la Valeur Militaire Bavarian Infantry
Valour Cross   10 pts

Ordre du Commandeur de l'Ecole Bavarian helmet
Ordre Commandeur de l’Ecole   10 pts

Ordre du Confédération du Rhin
Ordre du Confédération du Rhin 10 pts

Ordre de la Couronne de Fer Bavarian Coat-of-Arms, 1809
Ordre de la Couronne de Fer   5 pts

Médaille Militaire Bavarian troops 1800
Médaille Militaire

Ordre de l'Ecole

Graduates of the Ecole du Mars, Ordre de l’Ecole
Lt. Blaise GRABIAK
Lt. Ricahrd DUGGAN

Bavarian Artillery at Smolensk (Faber du Faur)

Bavarian 9th Infantry, 1811 Bavarian Cadet 1805

bearskin bearskin

In addition to being the officer who does more work than any other within the AdR, our own Colonel COUNSELMAN was elevated to the Guard and made Baron de l’Empire. He has the privilege to command the 3e Regiment de la Garde d'Honneur, Division de Cavalerie de la Jeune Garde.

Vive l'Empereur!

Général de Brigade Baron Michael COX, Comte de Moselle
Commandant, Armée du Rhin

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