KWhitehead wrote:
My understanding of the breastworks mechanics is that the parameter value is the percent chance of a unit or stack of units with the same facing creating a breastwork. That percent chance number is based on their being 1000 men making the attempt (however, it could be based on the maximum stacking which for most games is 1000).
For example if the breastwork parameter is 30 and you have a thousand men in a stack facing the same direction their is a 30% chance each turn that they will be successful in building a breastwork on that facing. However, if you have only 500 men with that facing then there is only a 15% chance of success. You could have the other 500 men facing a different hex side in which case they would have a 15% chance of building a breastwork on that side. Only one test is made per hexside regardless of number of units (facing is the only thing accounted for) during the command phase. There is no carryover. Each turn it is the same odds.
I'm reaching deep back into the past here to leave this note for current and future JTS gamers that I have tested the breastwork building and how KWhitehead explains it is exactly how it works. The only amplifying information is that KWhitehead's guess is correct: the percent chance is based on the max stacking parameter, which happens to be 1000 for most games. If you change the max stacking parameter, it changes the breastwork building odds just as KWhitehead described it.
The construction chance also increases when stacks are in excess of the stacking limit. For example, if you set the stacking limit to 1 and the breastwork chance to 1%, a unit of 100 strength has a 100% chance of building a breastwork. This is largely academic, as such a low stacking limit precludes any counter of greater than 1 strength from moving into a new hex even if it is empty. It would only come into play for reinforcement entry hexes or if units start a scenario overstacked in a hex.