British Crest British Crest

Charge of the British Life Guards at Waterloo. Original artwork by Mark Churms,

John Peel

Anglo Dutch Dispatch

Greetings gentlemen and welcome to the Anglo-Dutch Dispatch. Don't forget that we have our quite unique London Gazette, which is updated regularly with all our Armies' news and information. This has been taken over by Capt DS Walters and I would like to thank him.. We have had a good number of new Cadets start their training over the past months, welcome gentlemen, membership is low this quarter… please continue badgering friends and relatives and get them to look at OUR club. Gentlemen over the last few months there have been some major changes within the Army due to the changing front in France. Brig Gen Sir Phillip Roubaud has transferred to the Austrian Army on a permanent posting. At long last the Guards Division is now an active Division with an new OC, Maj Gen Sir Jim Hall KT. There is a Guards Div Challenge and the Guards are now ready and fighting fit to go to France. The RMA is on the busy side this Quarter and now with all Instructors taken from the Guards Div. There is also a new Muster state in force and we plan to have a kings regs page up and running within the next few weeks. I would like to thank all the Officers that took the time to answer the muster call. That is it for now chaps; it remains for me to wish you all great gaming.


KGL Infantry

This has been everybody’s favourite subject. So I have now decided to keep this in for this issue. Here is a list of the Anglo-Allied rank structure.

The rank of Colonel can only be passed by an officer in Brigade/Division/Corps command or by an officer with an admin role within the club.

It gives me the greatest pleasure to announce the following promotions, decorations and commissions and postings.

God save King George!!

Highland Officer

Order of the Thistle Order of the Garter


Brunswick Artillery

The following Ensigns have successfully completed their training and passed out from the RMA:

The following Officers have been commissioned to the Guards:


George by the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith.
To our Trusty and well beloved Officers Greetings. We reposing especial trust and Confidence in your Loyalty, Courage, and good conduct, do by these Presents Constitute and appoint you to be an Officer of Our Land Forces from this date forward. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge your duty as such in the Rank of Lieutenant or such higher Rank to which We may from time to time hereafter be pleased to promote or appoint you, of which a notification will be made in the London Gazette, and you are at all times to exercise and well discipline in Arms both the Inferior Officers and Men serving under you and use your best endeavours to keep them in good Order and Discipline. And We do hereby Command them to Obey you as their superior and you to Observe and follow such Orders and Directions as from time to time you shall receive from Us or any of your superior Officers according to the Rules and Discipline of War in pursuance of the Trust hereby reposed in you.
Given at Our Court at Saint James's this date in the Year of Our Reign.
By His Majesty's Command


Royal Fusiliers shako

Promotions as of the 13th July 1803:

Congratulations Gentlemen well played!

Medals and Awards

The Duke of Wellington

George by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith.
Sir, I am directed to transmit to you the accompanying medal which has been conferred upon you for your services with the British Forces during service to the King against the French. In Forwarding the Decoration, I am commanded by the King to assure you of His Majesty's high appreciation of the services rendered.
I am Sir, Your obedient Servant


The following officers have received awards for their service to the club or for their battlefield endeavours:

MGSM (Military General Service Medal):


General Service Medal

Lt Kol Marco Bijl 19th Jan 1803
Maj Gen Sir Mark Nelms 19th Jan 1803
Major Bob Breen 19th Jan 1803
Brig Gen Jim Hall X2 26th Jan 1803
2nd Lt Richard Asher 26th Jan 1803
Gen Maj Geert van Uythoven 26th Jan 1803
En Scott Reed 09th Feb 1803
Gen Maj Geert Van Uythoven 09th Feb 1803
Kapt Andrew Veenstra 09th Feb 1803
Kapt Marco Rietveld 09th Feb 1803
Maj Gen Sir Mark Nelms 09th Feb 1803
Maj Gen Sir Ken Jones 09th Feb 1803
Lt Tim Goodwin 09th Feb 1803
Gen Maj Geert Van Uythoven 16th Feb 1803
Gen Maj Geert Van Uythoven 04th Mar 1803
Brig Gen Jim Hall 10th Mar 1803
Lt Richard Asher 10th Mar 1803
En Jeff Bangma 10th Mar 1803
Maj Gen Jim Hall 23rd Mar 1803
Kapt Andrew Veenstra X2 23rd March 1803
Lt Richard Asher 5th Apr 1803
1eLt Erwin Muilwijk 5th April 1803
Maj Gen Sir Ken Jones 5th Apr 1803
Maj Gen Jim Hall 13th Apr 1803
Maj Marco Rietveld 13th Apr 1803
En Micheal Regan 13th Apr 1803
Maj Gen Jim Hall 26th May 1803
Gen Maj Geert Van Uythoven 26th May 1803
Maj Andrew Veenstra 26th May 1803
Lt Col Rick Martin 26th May 1803
Lt Col Colin Gaskell 26th May 1803
Capt Antony Barlow 26th May 1803
Lt Sergi Maymi 26th May 1803
Major Terry Lubka 26th May 1803
2nd Lt Richard White 26th May 1803
Maj Gen Jim Hall X2 28th June 1803
Col Sir Mike Davies 28th June 1803
Lt Terry Dancer 28th June 1803
Gen Maj Geert Van Uythoven X2 28th June 1803
Maj Marco Rietveld X2 28th June 1803
Maj Gen Sir Mark Nelms 28th June 1803
2nd Lt Ed Blackburn 28th June 1803
Capt DS Walter X7 28th June 1803
Maj Gen Sir Phillip Roubaud X 2 28th June 1803
Lt Richard White 28th June 1803
Gen Maj Geert Van Uythoven 6th July 1803
Maj Gen Sir Jim Hall 13th July 1803
Maj J Douglas McMann 13th July 1803
Gen Maj Geert Van Uythoven X3 13th July 1803
Maj Marco Rietveld 13th July 1803

Army Gold Medal
Army Gold Medal


Lt Col Marco Bijl 19th Jan 1803
Maj Gen Jim Hall 23rd March 1803
Maj Gen Sir Mark Nelms 28th June 1803
Maj Marco Rietveld 13th July 1803

Waterloo Medal
Waterloo Medal
Uxbridge at Waterloo

Lt Richard Asher 05th July 1803
2nd Lt Paul Frampton 05th July 1803

Army Gold Cross 3rd Hussars KGL
Army Gold Cross

Lt Richard White 04th July 1803

Long Service Good Conduct Medal
Long Service Good Conduct Medal
General Chasse

Gen Maj Geert Van Uythoven

Distinguished Conduct Medal
Capture of Cambronne

Gen Maj Geert Van Uythoven
Maj Marco Rietveld
Maj Gen Sir Jim Hall
Maj Gen Sir Ken Jones


Guards Division

Report for period June/July

The Guards have undertaken a complete reorganisation during this period.
A new Commanding Officer has been appointed Major General Sir Jim Hall (K.G)
A new web site has been established at

All officers of the Guards have been very active in the field. Three Distinguished Conduct Medals and two Army Gold Medals have been awarded to Guards Officers during this period.

Particular noteworthy is Captain D.S. Walter who was awarded seven MGSM’’s and received a “mention in dispatches.”

An annual Guards MP Challenge has been proposed between the French and Allied/Dutch Guards, this has met with an overwhelming response from the French.

A new “Guards Badge” has also been produced.

Cavalry Corps

The Cavalry Corps is in a fairly good state and has a new Corps Commander. Maj Gen Sir Ken Jones. I wish him good luck with his new posting..

I Corps

At this time the Corps seems to be picking up and things are looking a lot better then this time last year. The Dutch are always at the forefront of the Corps Events. I would like to thank the Dutch Division Commander Gen Maj Geert Van Uythoven for his untiring help and support to the Army and the Club..

II Corps

They are in a good state with most of its members having active games on going. The Fighting Sixth Div seem to be the outstanding Div within the Corps. I would like to thank the 6th Div Commander and the Corps Commander for all there hard work. I would like to see the other Division giving the 6th some competition.


Brigadier General Lord Ian Travers
Baron of Wesminster
Anglo-Dutch COA
In a street café in Paris, July 1803 (Looking at some sort of place with some funny-looking gentleman packing his bags and leaving)

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